Self Worth to Net Worth

Pascale Lane

Why mindset isn't enough and why you have to believe in yourself as much as your dreams

here´s how

Talking about business goals, life goals, and creating the life that we want for ourselves…
Is it okay to have a clear vision, but it to make sure that we believe in ourselves as much as we do the goal we are working towards.

"Understand yourself, build relationships, build your confidence"

This involves self-confidence as well as self-worth… Understanding the messages we received my younger and how this helps us to form a sense of self
In relationships with our loved ones, relationship with our businesses and ultimately how we show up for ourselves 


You Fulfilled

Pascale Lane is a Therapeutic Relationship and Confidence Coach. She works with women who have reached a point in their life where they have realised they want more for themselves… Better relationships, more self-confidence and success and fulfilment in all areas of their life.