Raimonda Jankunaite

The power of being authentically you

"In the world where you can be anything, the hardest thing seems to be is being authentically you"

Raimonda says

As society puts more pressure on us to live up to expectations and standards it seems like wearing a mask is the only way to fit in. What if there was another way to live your life, that aligns to your purpose, values and feels good on the inside. What if you did not have to hide who you are and all your quirks. What if you did not need to second guess if you would be accepted?

What if everything that is inside of you is simply enough? In this talk Raimonda shares her secrets of the power of being authentically you, and how to become empowered standing in your truth, in your purpose and share your message unapologetically, whilst inspiring others and brining your ideal audience along to support your mission.

Meet Raimonda

Raimonda Jankunaite is the founder of Women Thrive Media, a best-selling author, international speaker, speaking coach and visibility expert. She helps other business founders become recognised and highly visible in their areas of expertise and sought-after speakers. She is also the host
of Women Thrive Summit – one of the largest global virtual women’s
empowerment events.

Women Thrive

Her passion for speaking and empowering others stems from her own personal experience of losing her voice, her identity and confidence due
to trauma, now that she has overcome her own life challenges and found
the power in her voice she wants to make sure that no other woman has to hide her light and shy away from speaking up and sharing her story.

Raimonda Jankunaite

"Your story matters and the world needs to hear about it."

Creator of Women Thrive Media, Raimonda’s mission is to build a global stage where every woman’s voice is heard. We host one of the largest women’s empowerment events, publish an international Women Thrive Magazine in print and host international business and wellness retreats. We support women in business, female entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers and experts. We also publish a book which is focused on sharing stories of women overcoming adversity.