I use only the best quality theraputic grade oils to ensure you have the greatest results.
A bit about your consultation process and aftercare and the procedure you undertake with no set time limit.
Bespoke Aromatherapy Massage 75mins
It is a gentle lymphatic drainage massage using therapeutic grade essential oils individually
blended, working with all systems of the physical body, balancing mins and spirit.
50 euros
Powerful detoxifier aiding the body to release toxins. It restores physical and emotional wellness.
Pain Relief – Hormonal Balance (Menopause) – Longevity – Metabolic Treatments – Healing
Oils of the Bible.
From 65 euros
Massage using CBD oils 75 mins
When CBD is absorbed in the skin it can relieve pain, calm inflammation and even ease anxiety.
60 euros
90 mins Thai massage uses gentle pressure and stretching techniques to relax the whole body which can lower stress, boost energy and increase athletic performance.
60 euros
Footreading, also known as “solestry”, is a method of divination Indian era by means of the foot. It involves the observation and interpretation of foot structure, skin and toe nails, which are believed to reflect a person’s emotions or character.
I use only the best quality theraputic grade oils to ensure you have the greatest results.
Diffusing essential oils is a perfect way to relax, dispel odours and create an aroma-filled atmosphere of peace and harmony.
Like essential oils, I find that my clients start using it for a specific thing and subsequenly find that other
aspects of their wellbeing are feeling better too.
Have your tool box ready instead of going for your medical first aid kit. Natures remedies are my first port of call – ALWAYS!
No home should be without it. Amazing for burns and scalds. Promotes healing and prevents scarring. ( I have tried it!) Natural antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-depressant and good for cases of shock. Helps ease mind chatter and sleep.
Excellent digestive, helps respiratory system and circulation, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. Good for indigestion, flatulence, bad breath, flu, headaches and migraines, skin irritations rheumatism and fatigue. It keeps fleas, mice and ants away.
Water purifier. It has a tonic action in the lymphatic system and stimulating on the digestive. A drop or two in warm water in the mornings works wonders. Will help you slim down and with cellulite. Great for verrucas, tension headaches and insect bites.
A very powerful antiseptic. It has great anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties works very well with conditions such as candida, and all sorts of infections, ringworm, sunburn, acne, athletes foot, toothache and more.
Works deeply on the emotions and useful for many medical conditions. Very effective for menopausal problems. Its a nerve tonic and great sedative.
Total equilibrium in the body
Has amazing ability to regulate and balance our homeostasis. This is total equilibrium in the body. Organs, physiological, cognitive and emotional balance
Cools the body in summer and protects it in the winter. Effective against colds, flus and bronchitis. Also used as a deodoriser
Really good for treatments of nervous conditions and insomnia. Used in treatments of burns, psoriasis, eczema, asthma, hay fever, nausea. Its analgesic, diuretic, sedative and calming properties makes it a very desirable oil. Will help anyone kick the tranquilliser habit. Plus, amazing in rejuvenation treatments.
Many types and must be used with care. Powerful anti-viral, and great to diffuse when you have flu. It aids with elimination of toxins in the body. Used for warts, whooping cough, rheumatism, fatigue and acne. Will ensure no parasites or insects invades your home
Anti-bacterial, antiseptic and analgesic. Helps prevent disease and infection. Great for toothaches and useful for digestive problems and muscular disorders. Always used diluted.
I am so passionate about the benefits of massage and essential oils, I could go on and on… But I am here if you have any questions or need any help with anything.