Give your business the boost it deserves

October Growth Push

A one-month power surge exclusively for Women serious about gaining momentum and smashing their business goals to end 2024 strong.



Are you seeking a mastermind challenge with high levels of support – but don’t want a price tag equivalent to a weekend away?


We’ve got you covered

Summer vibes are slipping away, and glorious Autumn energy brings transition and a time for reflection as we prepare for new business phases.


How would you like to immerse yourself in 31 days of high-touch support and accountability to reap turbocharged business results?


Let's work together to:

October Challenge


  • Sharpen your focus on your ideal client and stop wasting time second-guessing your marketing efforts. Build stronger relationships and make it easier for your best-fit clients to find and reach out to you. In this let’s ditch the deadly buyer personas for good!
  • Refine and align your brand message. It is what you say and the way that you say it! Pinpoint where to make improvements to attract and retain loyal clients with words that stick and make an impact

  • Introducing a new offering, feature or program this Autumn? Map out your marketing campaign for a successful launch. A solid strategy ensures you reach the right audience and turns your new idea into something customers can’t wait to try.
  • Dive into a deep conversation with your clients in a high-converting sales page. Create a solid brief before emphasising with your potential clients and writing compelling copy for your service or product. As a bonus, learn how to craft attention grabbing headlines

  • Refresh and Revamp your offer suite ensuring that your products and services align with your brand. Let’s turn your products or services into irresistible must-haves that not only excite your audience but also reflect what your business stands for.
  • Create a new marketing funnel. Ok, let’s cut the jargon and say it like it is – know your customer journey! Forget fancy funnels and develop an attitude and a sales system that builds connections and…sells your course or program.

How does it work?


Ditch procrastination and kick self-limiting beliefs to the curb.

“When we procrastinate on taking action, we’re not just delaying the task, we’re actually reinforcing its neural pathways so we procrastinate more.”

Included in the programme




Your one-month growth challenge to help you smash your goal


Coaching calls in 2024 on October 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 at 11 a.m.



Planning your Q3 2024

Choose ONE THING that will move the needle towards achieving your goal.

What's Included?

5 x 90-minute group coaching calls via Zoom for master-minding and accountability towards your goal.

Projects to work on during the month to reignite your marketing and sales.

A private Facebook community with fellow Growth Push Members to hold you accountable and ask questions as you go.

Daily mindset tools including journaling prompts for added inspiration and motivation.

I want to end 2024 strong
My heart is open to this

A guided meditation to encourage spaciousness, to be open and ready to receive new ideas, new ways of thinking, being, doing and most importantly to welcome in new Clients.

A Finale Celebration call to celebrate your success and get guidance beyond your month-long growth push.

A guided Growth Push Playbook for recording, keeping and storing your coursework.

And some extra bonuses and awards!



Just 88 euros – for 31 days of support, encouragement, to move you and your business forward.

Tracey Baxter

Ali and Tracey are known for helping to gently ‘push’ business owners to grow with a mixture of no-nonsense mindset and marketing skills underpinned by strategy-first copywriting with a generous dollop of exceptional user experience.


They have more than 60 years of experience between them (Eek).


Both women have been in business since the 1980s, with global careers in Spain, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. They understand the challenges that modern-day female entrepreneurs face.


Their expertise and passion lie in inspiring confidence and connection…


They’re also fellow entrepreneurs who believe in the power of support and working together to achieve success and GROWTH.



Absolute Accountability. Aligned Drive. Accelerated Action
To recap, you get:
– 5 x 90-minute Zoom calls with Coaching and accountability
– Projects and ideas
– Community support
– Guided meditation
– Mindset tools and activities
– A downloadable Growth Push Playbook and activities


…for the price of 88 euros! It’s a steal.