From Dubai to Sotogrande via the Netherlands, meet Alieke van Esterik who has a favourite hashtag which she lives by #domything. Read her story.   

Alieke van Esterik

Tell us your Spain story Alieke

After living for 13 years in Dubai we moved to Madrid in 2017. In 2020 it was ME-time: #domything. I changed my career path and wanted to follow some studies back home in the Netherlands. One year was enough to finish what I started. Since September last year I live in Sotogrande. This is where I wanna be. For me it is like coming home. It feels Dubai.


Where are you now living?

Sotogrande, – it’s quiet, with an international vibe, nature, a Dubai feeling and the beach.

Sotogrande, Costa del Sol

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

To move after 1 year again with teenagers. To follow my heart, it knows the way. Trust your gutfeeling.


So what would be your advice to others?

Do your thing, if you are happy the rest will follow.


How do you spend your days?

I start my day with Qigong and work for an hour before the rest of the family gets up for breakfast. I run twice a week with friends, love to play padel, give Qigong classes, and work on my business goals as a stress therapist and Reiki practitioner.

Recently, I developed a 3-day program called “Resert Yourself” with my partner. 

I love my walks with Charly our Spanish shelter dog.



Something you are grateful for?

I’m grateful for all the choices I’ve made so far in my life.


Your special dinner party – who would you invite?

My mum, she is the reason I live. Coco Chanel, love her fashion style. Frida Kahlo – fighter, artist, beautiful person.

And I would serve Tapas from around the world with Cava.


What Mantras do you live by?

Keep on moving, focus, use the positive energy, be grateful for the little things in life, use affirmations, I am.


Favourite hashtag?

#DOYOURTHING, You are the one responsible for your own happiness.


One thing you had to bring to Spain with you and could never give away?

My painting “Booby Monster”, which I got when I turned 44, it is a very special age for me.


Your favourite song?

Nutbush City Limits, Tina Turner’s a beautiful woman and I love her book; Happiness Becomes You.

Something you would tell your younger self?

Open up, don’t be afraid, have trust and love yourself.


Where can we find out more and connect with you?


Through my Facebook page 

Or on Instagram


Thank you Alieke! If you would like to share your story, please complete the online questions here

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