Everything you need is inside you, believes Carolynne Alexander.  And she relied entirely on that when she made the solo move to Malaga.  Read her story.

Why Spain?

The lifestyle and the people. I need to switch off more and Spain was the perfect place to do that after burning out and rediscover my passion for life and business.

My original plan was to spend a few weeks here and it turned into three years!!

And where are you now?

Malaga – The community of wonderful people that live and visit here.

There’s always something going on whether it’s co working, a hike or dinner.

The lifestyle – Being close to the sea and the mountains, there are so many places to chill out. Then if you want to, you can pop into the city and soak up the atmosphere with great food, drink and music.

The Spanish People – Oh the culture!!

The flamboyant, carefree, beautiful people.

It’s the perfect antidote to busy UK life.

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

Moving here without my partner (and cat).

I knew I needed to spend some time being with myself to redefine myself after 18 years of being with the same person. It’s so important to do this once in a while. Whether it’s a weekend break or (three years!!), it’s what women need so they can return to their power and authentic self.

I was very fortunate to find a community of other business owners and coaches in Malaga. Being able to talk business and have genuine friendships with other ex-pats has been fantastic.

A special kind of person moves to Spain/Malaga and we all feel the same way about the place. It’s magical, humbling, and incredibly grounding.

Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?

OMG DO IT!! Try a weekend away here first. Lean into the unknown and embrace the fun you have when you have no idea what you are doing. Bring your sense of humour and don’t take yourself too seriously.

Say hola to everyone you meet. Malaga is like a village and you get to know people really quickly. Everyone knows everyone so take advantage of asking if you can come alone to the next hike or co working.

Make sure you step off the plane and slow right down. Walking is a joy not just a mode of transport! I have to remind my London friends to walk slower here!!

Carolynne Alexander

You are a digital nomad – tell us how that works for you and your business 

I’m incredibly fortunate to have designed my life around my business, my love of coaching and writing. My work centers around unlocking your limitless potential especially if you are an entrepreneur. I have a special place in my heart for women who are wanting to change the world with their business.

I believe that the next generation of entrepreneurs, makers, and creatives are the key to building a new world and I get to help them do that through my own Rapid Alignment Technique, Human Design, mindset work, energetics, and embodiment practices.

Everyone has a unique set of skills and passion to create a life and business that can impact millions and I’m the woman you call when you get stuck on your mission. You have everything you need inside of you, you just need someone to unlock it.

And when my work is done, you can find me reading in a cafe, drinking Albariño, laughing until I cry with my friends, or tearing up the dance floor until 4 am (or later!). Weekends are spent hiking, lunching, and enjoying life as much as possible.

Something you are grateful for?

The journey I’ve been on since I landed here three years ago. The people I’ve met, the tears I’ve cried, the madness of lockdown, the craziness of being allowed out again… all of it. A truly transformational experience and all done with the mindfulness of choosing to keep going when it was tough. Not seeing my partner for 152 days was intense but rediscovering my tenacity, my passion and who I truly am is a blessing.


Who would be at your special dinner party?

Felix Dennis – The “mad as a box of frogs” millionaire poet that planted a forest. Eccentric, daring, bold and completely in love with life. I’d love to be in his energy and see where the night took us. He was a wine buff so he could pick the wine 😉 Coco Chanel, Diana Vreeland, Alexander McQueen. We’d talk fashion all night. One of my passions!


What’s your secret weapon?

My energy is my secret weapon.


Do you have a favourite quote?

“Everything you need is inside of you"

 – I believe everyone has a unique role to play in life and if we’re quiet enough, we can hear what it is.

One thing you had to bring to Spain and could never give away?

My Journal. I write in it everyday and it holds all my wishes and dreams. It reminds me of why I do what I do.


Do you have a favourite film?

Top Gun! I wanted to be a fighter pilot when I grew up.


Something you would tell your younger self?

You’re exactly where you need to be. Listen to your intuition for your next move.

Thank you Carolynne Alexander where can we find out more?

I’m @carolynnealex on Twitter and Instagram. My website is under construction but you can signup for The Museletter for updates


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