“Freedom is just a step away” seems the mantra for Karen Osbelt. Find out about her walk to Spain and how she now helps you shorten your path. Read her story.

Why Spain?

Why Spain? it’s so easy to live here.

And where are you now?

I currently live near Cádiar, in the Alpujarra, at the Sierra Nevada. From April on, I move to Torrox-Costa, by the sea. I am here in Spain since September 2020.

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

On August 7th, 2020, my husband and I started to – walk from Berlin to Spain. We had previously dissolved everything and were traveling with 2 backpacks (each 13kg). But the 2nd Corona Shutdown thwarted our plan and we only got as far as France. Then we flew to Malaga on the last plane. And here we are now.  

There were no difficulties, only the heat, with over 40 degrees, sleeping in the tent and the heavy backpacks. The experiences, the many nice people on our way and the life here it was all worth it.


Karen Osbelt the walk

Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?

Fears and doubts only exist in the mind.

For me, trust in God and guidance is the absolute key.

Freedom is just a step away.

How do you spend your days? 

Personally, I am a “scanner” of 1000 ideas, projects and skills. In order not to lose myself anymore, I had to go a long way.

Today I help other women to shorten their own path to themselves and their calling. As a health and nutrition consultant and coach, I recommend products that support this development process.

This is how I earn my living digitally and independent of location. And I love what I’m doing.

Something you are grateful for?

There are many things for which I am very grateful and humbled. I live with the love of my life.

I’ve mastered difficult physical and psychological challenges myself.

And with this experience, I found my calling. I am probably one of the gifted people on this earth.


Who would be at your special dinner party?

I would invite anyone. Neighbors, friends, family, people you meet in everyday life. Young and old, old young and young old. Everyone here on this earth has a unique story to tell. I love hearing stories written by life.


What’s your secret weapon or accomplishment?

Sensitivity and curiosity

Do you have a favourite quote?

You can no longer change what once happened. But something that is still happening now, you can change now.

(Difficult to translate) It’s my own saying, from my own insight.


One thing you had to bring to Spain and could never give away?

My husband!

Do you have a favourite film?

“August Rush” – it shows this unique connection “love” between us humans.

Something you would tell your younger self?

True recognition comes only from yourself.


Thank you Karen Osbelt where can we find out more?

My instagram


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Karen Osbelt Spain