Are YOU choosing to Reunite BodyMindSpirt?


Can you believe its nearly September 2018? How time is racing by and certainly changing… life is becoming unpredictable and extreme… have you noticed?


All our old predictable patterns are falling by the wayside AND duality is singing louder than ever. Our comfort zone doesn’t feel the same anymore, nothing we reach for seems secure, the trends, advice from others doesn’t seem to hit the spot. Many around us are panicking to keep the roof over their heads and food in the mouths of their children. People are confused and imprisoned in a chaotic state of wondering… and it even crosses our mind… how do I manage?


Yes… everything out there is falling away… it has too… for each to discover that nothing out there can help us anymore. Humankind is being driven within!


Everything is perfectly OK… there is no need to worry, the intense light from our solar and galactic sun is naturally opening hearts, for everyone to realise what the hell’s going on.


It’s a choice YOU make, to allow yourself to take a quiet moment, breathe and be aware of YOUR connection to Our Magnificent World. To be aware of YOUR essential, unique and powerful part of… the world, universe, consciousness, love.


You can choose for ‘the Human’ to expand beyond the small mind of predictability and duality and reunite with ‘the Divine’. Not the Divine out there in god, religion and spirituality… but the Divine that flows as consciousness… as love… through YOU. Who is not separate from your Human BodyMind, but waits patiently for YOU to choose to come back to wholeness… to your natural multi-dimensional self. To come back into balance as one Body Consciousness and begin YOUR next adventure beyond everything ever known.


It’s time to quantum leap into Unity Consciousness and Multi-Dimensional Living right here on Earth.


How to begin?
By not resisting how life is taking you within and just breathe, just be with yourself, all of yourself and allow yourself to love, care and nurture YOU. By remembering and being GRATEFUL for all YOUR experience, all that you have and all that you are AND live each moment simply in-joying life in every moment.


I promise you, everything will fall effortlessly into place.


So instead of choosing (yes it remains your choice) to waste all your energy on worrying and being concerned about the world, everyone else and yourself (last)…  You can choose to focus your energy on YOURSELF first, to reunite BodyMindSpirit and emanate your loving presence out into the world that will bring ‘a happy ending’ into existence.


In the meantime… I continue to observe how many people are naturally awakening, integrating BodyMindSpirit… which brings me much joy and I remain grateful for all life experiences… celebrating life in each moment. Have you seen our delightful new home and gardens? You know where IAM spending a lot of time… around the pool!



Allow me to help YOU flow through Your Ascension process in ease and grace.

I remembered my grand dream and IAM on a sacred mission…


On behalf of my non-profit business #TheMagnificentConsciousness IAM delighted to inspire and support the hearts who are choosing to naturally evolve and realise their own true Multi-Dimensional Beingness… their grand dream AND sacred mission in the most easy, graceful and compassionate way.


Earth & All Humankind is changing like never before… we are all experiencing a great #ShiftofConsciousness that is naturally shaking everyone AWAKE… in any way that will get their attention! Yes it can be harsh… until each releases everything within and without that is based on fear and lack for their journey forward.


The last few years… my journey has been intense, experiencing my own #Awakening #Integration and #Ascension… realising who I truly AM… #MeMyMagnificentSelf both Human and Divine, a Master and a Creator and being able to live a life of Celebration… no matter what is happening!


IAM the example and I share my experience in the form of my love story… I published as #YourMagnificentSelfAJourneyToFreedom and created a #MasterCreatorClass held locally on the Costa del Sol and online, for the ones who are ready to experience their own Multi-Dimensional beingness and prepare for their new role as Energy Pioneer. 

I’ve recently opened up my time to help individuals sense (1 on 1) with big compassionate eyes their crisis/illness as an opportunity for transformation and celebration as their Magnificent Self. 


All money received from my books, classes & consultations go to fund my free local projects in Benalmadena… a #RelaxANDTalk group to balance bodymindspirit and a #CreativeArtProject for our children to explore and discover their unique expression within our Magnificent World.


Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness & Multi-Dimensional Living

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom By Barbara Franken

A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple

I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.

A sacred and safe space in which to understand & fully experience your own natural Awakening and Integration in preparation for YOUR new role as Master and Creator, living a life of celebration.More Info: MasterCreator Class

All the money raised from my books and classes goes to my non profit business: The Magnificent Consciousness that holds 2 FREE local projects… ‘Creative Art Project’ inspiring our children to explore, discover and express life and their part in it ALL and a ‘Relax and Talk Group, inspiring everyone to balance their body, mind & spirit back into wellness in a natural & simple way.