Quantum Healing – Quantum Singing? What do I really do ? Well this is amazingly , beautifully Big Subject that is touching and opening parts of your Being that has not been open or understood by...
I was talking with a friend yesterday via Skype and as soon as the call connected I could sense something was wrong. After asking her what was going on, she burst into tears and told me that she was completely...
I have started a series of posts giving tips on writing for children. If this is something that interests you, please visit my blog to view tip one: The Writer’s ABC Checklist Lorraine Mace –...
I know, I know – 3 November 2014 does seem a long way off, but you know how it works, pretty soon it will be with us, and I just wanted to share my excitement with you. So what’s so important...
If you think about breakfast while showering; if you think about your children while visiting your parents and about you parents while you are with your children; if you think about your holiday while...
One approach to evaluating the relationship between pain and pleasure is to consider these two systems as a reward-punishment based system. When pleasure is perceived, one associates it with reward. When...