For any concerned parent choosing the right school is one of the biggest decisions of your kid’s lives. Were your school days the happiest of your lives..? Mine certainly weren’t! But it’s what we all...
Some of us define success in purely financial terms, but thriving expats in Spain have had to think about that definition more creatively and flexibly in recent years. When I lived and worked in London,...
Hi everyone, my name is June Wolfe and I live in an old Farmhouse in the campo just outside the village of Villanueva Del Trabuco, about 40 minutes inland from Malaga (very cold at the moment!) I moved...
Exercise in today´s fast-paced world seems more like a luxury than a necessity. How many times have you heard somebody say that they just don´t have time to exercise? However, exercise is vitally important...
The old adage “time waits for no (wo)man” manifests itself every day! As Christmas / Día de los Reyes Magos is finally over and we head into 2012, I hear shouts of “where did 2011 go?” Getting older...
Over Christmas I had the absolute luxury of reading two books. Both relate with Spain and both amazing stories of strong women striving against the odds. Here they are: Passion India by Javier Moro,...