Costa Women Blogs

#LivingInLockDown - Day 5
#LivingInLockDown Day 5 – Friday March 20th   Interesting day! Woke up late and a bit groggy from the bottle of wine the night before. Not hungover as such (no headaches or raging thirst) but...
#LivingInLockDown - Day 4 (Part 2)
#LivingInLockDown Day 4 (Part 2) – Thursday March 19th It’s a big night in the lockdown calendar because I am hosting my first Zoom video conference meeting and I have no idea what I’m...
#LivingInLockDown - Day 4 (Part 1)
#LivingInLockDown Day 4 (Part 1) – Thursday March 19th   I wake up early today and hungry. This is good news. I’ve obviously caught up on my sleep. I’m generally a good sleeper and...
#LivingInLockDown - Day 3
#LivingInLockDown Day 3 – Wednesday March 18th   I woke up late this morning to the blissful sensation of no pain. I had some cramps during the night but soon got back to sleep. Another cycle...
#LifeInLockDown - Day 2 (part 2)
#LifeInLockDown Day 2 (part 2) – Tuesday March 17th Despite the cramps I’m up again at 8pm as this is the time all Madrid (possibly all Spain) goes to their windows to cheer. Everyone claps,...
Choose Faith Over Fear
CHOOSE FAITH OVER FEAR You can choose faith or fear. Don’t give in to fear. Just don’t do it! Fear is spreading and it is spreading throughout this country and world. When you give in to fear,...
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