It is a beautiful practice to look back on one’s Human journey and remember all the great and not so great moments we experience. It allows one to give everything a sacred place and understand how every experience, for better or worse is distilled as loving wisdom, and becomes part of the expression of who each is now.
As we all find ourselves in the midst of this natural Shift of Consciousness… it is becoming more and more evident that in order to physically move our Body, Mind & Spirit form beyond the experience of duality and experience Unity, it is essential to quite simply acknowledge and embrace all our old beliefs in lack, fear and trauma that have been waiting for attention… AND as if by magic the stuck energy releases itself from the body/mind, allowing YOU to flow and move in Divine ease and grace into YOUR next exciting adventure.
I originally wrote the following poem back in 2010 as I remembered my triumphs and struggles in our MasterCreator class. I dedicated it to my loving mum (who is now 83 years young), who played a wonderful role with me, but as a growing rebellious child I never appreciated it!
I Remember…
I REMEMBER feeling you for the first time, so soft and cuddly,
and feeling a sense of belonging…
I REMEMBER blowing out my first birthday candle,
making a mess and bouncing in an indoor chair…
I REMEMBER playing with my sister outdoors and in our conservatory
watching the caterpillars, chrysalis and butterflies transform in jam-jars…
I REMEMBER taking care of our pet guinea-pig,
rabbit and cat and the pony who still remains in my imagination…
I REMEMBER hearing the piano played, the fingers so fluent
on the keys and my music lessons on the guitar…
I REMEMBER playing with my friends in the park and
digging our garden with my dad and sister…
I REMEMBER trips to my grandparents in the country and in the town
celebrating family birthdays, weddings and christmas..
I REMEMBER the inner joy I always felt at christmas time, santa’s sherry
and mince pie, made possible by you and dad’s love and excitement…
I REMEMBER us going away on holidays, riding donkeys, making
sand castles and running on the beach and into the sea…
I REMEMBER feeling tensions, tears and sadness
but didn’t know how to deal with it…
I REMEMBER watching you wash the clothes and dishes,
cleaning the house and you teaching me to iron…
I REMEMBER loving to watch films with my dad and
sister and crackerjack at 5 to 5…
I REMEMBER your love for flowers, the smell of your
roses and admiring your green fingers…
I REMEMBER feeling rebellious, a sense of conflict between me and the
outside world and being called mary-mary-quite-contrary…
I REMEMBER finding it hard to breathe for a while and feeling an
inner urge to explore, find freedom and who I truly was…
I REMEMBER you letting me go… to begin my adventure alone,
my wings expanded in confidence, I took off to discover beyond…
It has taken time for me to look at the mixture of feelings I have
ever felt and to see them as part of my experience, not who IAM…
You can know the sprinkle of your love and joy, has overflowed into
me and has become one with my own sense of loving self…
Love forever intertwined, your nurturing is my nurturing, your love
is my love, your joy is my joy, you are and IAM one…
Each morning I awake in a bundle of love, have a sense of joy and
excitement and arise to create another best moment exploring All That Is…
I turn my head around and feel your presence, your embrace and I gently
kiss you on the cheek saying thank you for being you…
Your loving daughter Barbara ©
Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness & Multi-Dimensional Living
A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple.
I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond..
Join my MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth.
There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class
All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit association The Magnificent Consciousness that holds free local projects in Benalmadena, Spain.