#LivingInLockdown – Day 20


Day 20 – Saturday 4th April


We’re coming to the end of my ‘let’s try some new stuff’ week and I’m feeling a bit guilty that I haven’t actually done that much new, so today I decided to play catch up. If quarantine hadn’t happened I would have been flying back from Rome after, I am sure, a great holiday. So I decided to go back to my virtual touring of the Rome sites via Pro Walking Tours on YouTube. I started with St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. As you would expect of a catholic basilica built for one of the disciples who is apparently buried there, it is pretty swanky. A small fortune has been spent on this place. Unfortunately they didn’t do the catacombs, where Peter’s body is said to be, but they did give some interesting information about how he died there after being crucified upside down at his own request. He felt he didn’t deserve to die in a better manner than Jesus, hence the upside part. The man must have been bonkers!


I then moved onto a walking tour around the city. I really like the look of Rome. Their plazas are huge and they have plenty of cobbled streets with cute buildings and little cafes everywhere. Just my style of city. I’ll enjoy rambling round there once I’m allowed to travel again. The plan was to watch the entire tour to get an idea of where to wander when I go. However it turned out the full video was nearly six hours long. Oof! I think I’ll wait until I get there.


I then got sucked into a YouTube rabbit hole. You know when it starts to recommend other links you might like and gets it right. There were two videos on flying first class in the new A380, one with Air Emirate and the other with Singapore Airlines. The guy who did the videos runs a website dedicated to reviewing luxury travel. He is basically paid to go to posh places. Some people have all the luck. I was curious to see what the first class cabins were like on these planes, as you get a room to yourself with a full single bed to sleep in. The Air Emirate plane also has a shower in the first class toilets. I now have a new aim in life to fly first class on one of these planes just once, preferably without having to pay for it.


To be honest I’d be happy just to use the first class lounge at the airports. These are like Michelin star restaurants with free following top quality wines and champagne cocktails. The menu on the plane is also a four course meal of the highest standards and again the free flowing top notch wines. There is a bar area where you can go to hang out with the rest of the super rich. Not too many though as there are only 6-8 cabins. If I ever manage to get on one of these flights I’m going to arrive pissed as a newt and bursting from too much food.


One can always dream. What else is there to do when in lockdown.