Back to work and how to banish those post holiday blues

It was my first day back at work today after returning from Spain last week and the morning couldn’t have been more bleak, dark or damp! I was too down to even tweet about my arch nemesis ‘South-eastern trains’! But after a welcome back hug from my lovely new boss Linda and distribution of a yummy box of biscuits from Eroskis, I settled down to answer 461 emails.

At lunch, I contacted our local Adult Education Centre to see if there were any spaces left on the Beginners Spanish Class which started a couple of weeks ago but alas the course was full. I also cheekily sent my annual leave request for May 2013 when we hope to return to Spain.

Chris is working hard at setting up our new business, we hope this will continue to provide us with some income when we move to Spain. He has applied for a start up grant, but we have to wait 4-5 weeks for a decision so fingers crossed – our other option of course is a lottery win!

On the way home this evening, I foolishly looked at the weather in Comares and compared it the weather here in Kent, bad bad bad move – but even more incentive to work towards our Spanish dream.