What did Costa Women get up to in 2017? The answer has to be loads! Here’s some highlights of our monthly achievements and some of our successes. Thank you for continued support – we couldn’t do it...
2018 looms and with it a remind to get our health back on track. Dentist appointments, health check ups and a desire to get fitter all come to the fore. Medicare in La Cala have put together...
It’s certainly been an interesting year for us, mainly focusing on ourselves… making sure we are being loving, caring and trusting ourselves, clear on what we desire to further experience AND...
In my latest book Out Of Fear Into Love I describe the four specific limiting beliefs that cause life to be a struggle; beliefs such as I Need to Prove Myself which get in the way of a happy, successful...
Eating Turkey makes you sleepy! Or does it? Where does this seasonal myth come from and is there any truth to it? Turkey is a protein and it contains a fairly high amount of the Amino...
‘It was a grand lightbulb moment… when I realised judgement and doubt is equally anchored in the fear of separation, annihilation & feeling powerless.’ My morning...