Costa Women Blogs

On Mindfulness
It has been a beautiful summer in Norway. The nature is rich and exuberant here. The intensity and variety of green colors is breath taking. And the weather is very changeable. There are no two days similar;...
What Is... Loving Yourself All About? Part II
Since my post last week have you thought about how YOU love YOURSELF? Are you choosing to stand out from the herd, to steer yourself in the direction of thriving in life, being responsible for your words...
Have you had a wobble this week
Hi Ladies   So many ladies I have spoken to this week have been having a wobble – me included.   I just couldn’t get into the swing of things.   I though I’d get that “Back...
Biking with the Bulls for Charity
The Bull boys are off on another adventure to raise money and they need Costa Women help! It’s not long now until father and son team, Dave and Mitch Bull, will be off on their epic journey around...
Costa Women Meet ... Saskia Vervoort
September is World Awareness month for Alzheimer’s. Saskia Vervoort is one of our Dutch members and has found a unique way to raise money for charity and get fit at the same time. Saskia is cycling...
An easy way to stretch out of your comfort zone
Doing something that makes you feel a little uncomfortable every day, is how you grow and develop. You can stretch yourself just a little to begin with.
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