Every one of us is equipped with creativity; we have it in us, you have it and I have it. There is no lack of imagination, talents or ideas in us. Creativity is not a problem. Nevertheless we can feel...
I feel as if I’ve been travelling around the galaxy and back…but IAM back from enjoying an intense and wonderful experience with fellow MasterCreators who chose to commit to and celebrate...
I sat there for almost 3 hours, head in hand, with thoughts racing through my mind. I sat there in that big comfy chair and wondered how I had let it happen again. All the red flags and warning bells were...
You might remember the song by Paul Young, ”Wherever I lay my hat, that’s my home,” except for me it’s my backpack!! The song reminds of my nomadic lifestyle for the past year which I’ve embraced and loving!!...
Feeling guilty about not being as keen on school summer holidays as you think you should be? Want to find a plan that suits everyone, especially you? Need help facing up to altered routines? No matter...
1. Facebook This is the biggest social networking site with the largest number of monthly users – 1,100,000,000. There are millions of small or medium sized businesses promoting themselves on Facebook...