Costa Women Blogs

Are You Spring Training?
It happens to all of us.  We have been hibernating during the Winter, and all of the sudden Spring is upon us, at which point we find out, we are simply “out of shape” not to mention hungry, thirsty and...
Calling Costa Women from Marbella's area: Can I let go pride without losing dignity?
A priest, once told me (after I asked him why was I always struggling and suffering, since I was a good person) why wasn’t I asking for help?  I replied that I didn’t like to bother people with my problems...
Success, U and Jimmy Choos!
When was the last time you told someone “I am successful”?  We don’t do we because it’s not quite nice.  OK we shout and applaud the success of our friends and family; sharing what they achieved and have...
Our life on Twitter!
@costawomen article with Suzi Dixon of Telegraph Expat about our life on Twitter.   Click here to read the article … more
Your Ideal Man (Woman). How to Get Him (Her)!
Your ideal man (or woman): How to get him (or her)!   Whether you’re fed up of always attracting the wrong kind of person, of being on your own, or if you want take your current relationship to the next...
wedding attire
can anyone recommend bridal shops please,from Marbella to Nerja.
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