#LivingInLockdown Day 32 – Thursday 16th April There are days during this lock down when everything flows smoothly. Then there are days where you can’t get your brain to focus on the...
#LivingInLockdown Day 31 – Wednesday 15th April Today I pondered the fact that whilst I might be stuck at home, my engagement with others has gone through the roof. Whether video conferences,...
#LivingInLockdown Day 30 – Tuesday 14th April Here’s a question that’s been bugging me recently: what on earth is going on in the bodies of asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19? The...
It doesn’t matter where IAM, at home, in the car, in the supermarket or walking around my garden… although might I add, the latter is not allowed! I feel the sadness, the loneliness,...
#LivingInLockdown Day 29 – Monday 13th April Monday is a good day because it’s when I usually go to the supermarket. This week I cheated a little bit and went to Carrefour which is significantly...
#LivingInLockdown Day 28 – Sunday 12th April Four whole weeks of being stuck indoors and at least four more to go. Let’s be honest probably more than that. I’d like to say that...