Costa Women Blogs

#LivingInLockdown - Day 12
#LivingInLockdown Day 12 – Friday 27th March   My social media is awash with challenges. Some of them are amusing like posting the photo that comes up if you google your name and ‘glamour...
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Latest Update from the British Consulate - Coronavirus
All the latest information is on and Brits in Spain Facebook. The Q&A document that is pinned to the top of their Facebook page is kept updated...
Positive Cov19 stories
During the lockdown and our free online webinars, I have heard inspirational stories from Costa Women members.  Here’s the first three.  If you have any you would like to share please comment...
#LivingInLockdown - Day 11
#LivingInLockdown Day 11 – Thursday 26th March   Since my moment of desperation on Monday, I have not felt the slightest need to go outside. I’ve been quite content indoors. This may be...
#LivingInLockdown - Day 10
#LivingInLockdown Day 10 – Wednesday 25th March   According to Facebook I was in Valencia this time four years ago. I have fond memories of that holiday. Of course if things had been different...
#LivingInLockdown - Day 9
#LivingInLockdown Day 9 – Tuesday 24th March   This morning I wake up to the news that the UK is now also officially in quarantine conditions for the next 3 weeks at least. Welcome to the club...
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