If you need a laugh I got ya covered. The latest blog post from My Expatations is out! It’s a short read so it should only take you a few seconds to pee your pants. www.myexpatations.com ...
The EB international awareness day takes place on the 25th of October Bringing together organisations from over 112 countries around the world to raise awareness for Epidermolysis bullosa: ...
Sciatica is one of those wonderful medical terms which we now use in everyday conversation to cover a whole host of aches and pains in our back, hips and legs. But, as I’ve spoken about in detail...
Unnecessary criticism verbal cruelty, sarcasm and malicious gossip demeans the speaker making them less, darkening their aura and encourages a habit to formbut...
Sonja Breuer is a Ayurveda Expert and the owner of ‘Tapas Ayuveda & Yoga Eco Farm’ She is bringing numerous Ayurveda events to Spain so I wanted to find out more about...
A Woman Awakens Something inside me stirredit has been a long and arduous roadexperiencing the calm, the drive the dark, the light the pain, the lovethe sadness and the peace And...