Hello ladies. A windy Wednesday saw the day of the second local group meet up for Costa Women. They do say that small is beautiful, and if theat’s the case, our group is pretty amazing, because just 6 ladies made it to the meeting. However those 6 ladies – including new face Sue Heapy-cernuda from Algorfa – had a very cheerful and productive meeting. We feel as if we’ve known each other for a lot longer than the four hours we’ve spent in each other’s company, so why not come along to our next meeting and see what I’m talking about?
One thing we wanted to resolve at the meeting was to identify a focus for the group which wasn’t too restricting, but would give us a purpose and an identity, other than being just another ‘coffee and chat’ group. Although there’s nothing wrong with that, we all feel that Costa Women is special, we are all special, and we wanted a group focus that reflected this, along with our individuality as women.
In our small core group, we already have business women, writers, therapists and a Press Officer, so there’s a broad range of expertise and experience to draw on, and that simple realisation provided our focus. Between us, we have a wealth of local knowledge, as well as general knowledge about life in Spain, so we feel we can be a go-to group to link people with the services and information they need. For instance, would you know where to source a wheelchair for a visiting relative? No? Well, Ruth Blackwell would, as she has a wealth of experience working with disabled people, while Glenys Palmer is Press Officer for Samaritans in Spain.
So our mission and our purpose as a group is to build a local network of knowledge, while having fun and learning new thrings through guest speakers at our meetings. Our strapline will be ‘Costa Women Costa Blanca South Group – Why not come along and get linked in?’
We do feel that we need to source another venue for meetings, as we feel the Casino in Torrevieja, while it’s central and it’s a beautiful venue, is not really suitable as a regular meeting place. I’m exploring options, and will report back when I can. Maybe you have some ideas? More on that later.
Group member Nicola Farnhill talked about her work as a life coach. What’s life coaching about then? Well, mainly it’s about leading the life you want to lead, rather than life leading you. The discipline developed around 30 years ago in America, where Tom Robbins, who came from a poor background, came up with the philosophy that developing your own skills, thinking positive thoughts and accepting the unchangeable could overcome most obstacles. It’s about being grateful for what you have, rather than hankering after what’s out of reach.
Nicola also pointed out the power of music to help get more out of life. Music can be inspirational, whether it’s emotive music to inspire poetry, or manic music to stir your creative impulses, you can harness music to make your life more positive and help you to achieve what you want to accomplish.
Life coaching is for everyone, at any and every stage of life. If something in your life needs improving or developing, life coaching can help with that. Nicola’s particular niche is relationships. She works mainly with women, helping them to gain the insight they need to improve their relationships – particularly their relationships with themselves! She runs a group called Women Supporting Women at Casa Tom, Torrevieja, each Monday evening. Contact her through the link to her Costa Women profile for more information.
The next meeting will be at 2.00 pm on Wednesday 25 March – venue and speaker to be confirmed. If you’re interested in attending, or would like more information, contact me through my profile page, or just turn up at the meeting. You can be sure of a warm welcome!