IAM honoured to be able to introduce you all to my dear and divine friend… the Magnificent Anna-Marie Blyth. Our friendship began a little after we both moved to the Costa Calida with our husbands in 2007. We met at my home in Mazarron as she had answered one of my adverts to join my weekly meditation circle. For the next 7 years two old souls enjoyed weekly and monthly creative workshops that I held… safe and sacred spaces for local Awakening friends to come together and share our individual Ascension journeys.
It was Anna-Marie who co-created with me our MasterCreator Class back in 2010. Although the class has evolved since then, it was her enthusiasm and resonance with the changing energies that were opening up a whole new playing field, that allowed us to create a new space. A stage or platform in which to creatively and most playfully, commit to and celebrate the Integration and Embodiment of the DivineHuman, the Master and Creator… our Magnificent and All Powerful Selves, and walk beyond everything known into a harmonious world of freedom and unity.
After I left to come down to live on the Costa del Sol in 2014, Anna went on to totally heal her chronic dis-ease, write her Awaken to Enlightenment programme to help other people move forward, and design her own Awaken to Enlightenment guidance cards.
Anna-Marie is a most gentle soul who dedicates herself to her passion and mission in life to share love, light and peace to help raise the vibration of Earth and all Humanity. Like many of us Anna-Marie has had to learn to say NO to others, including our family bloodline/ancestors, an essential step that allows us to clear our own sacred space and be true to self. Allowing our sacred vessel to receive and channel freely our own Divine loving wisdom in all ease and grace.
I know we were destined to meet, to inspire, support and encourage each other as we dared jump into the unknown! AND I also know it’s time to arrange a meet up again… it’s been too long!
Mazarron 2010 in celebration of our commitment to live life as ‘Our Magnificent Selves’…
Anna-Marie shares her Story… Magical New Earth
The world awaits, awaits for the conscious humanity to awaken to the new ways, to the new cosmos. The world awaits for the collective awareness to grow and to evolve, awaits the survival of the species to become conscious of the wonderment and amazement that is available for humankind whenever they choose to welcome it forwards.
The world awaits, awaits for the individual to relinquish all control, to cast off all fear, to release the restrictions of greed and the limitations of power that it chains itself to. The world awaits, awaits for society to realise the incredible power it holds within, the power to heal the mental turmoil of repetitive patterns, the power to tend to the emotional wounds that have imprinted on the heart from infinite lifetimes and, ultimately, the power to heal the physical dis-ease and illness that bind it to the past and prevent its journey from moving onwards, onwards to the glory of it’s awesome future.
The world awaits, awaits for us all to re-discover our true and sensational selves, that authentic self that had somehow become lost in a place of stuck-ness and disparity. The world awaits, awaits for us to step out of a world of separation and duality, into a space without judgement and hatred, to leave behind a world of fear, discrimination and mistrust. The world awaits, awaits for all humans to discover not only their own space of self-acceptance and self-love, but a true acceptance of their fellow kind, whatever their gender or sexuality, whatever their race or creed, whatever their circumstances or financial acumen.
A perfect world awaits, a world where ego becomes unnecessary, a world of a delightful and deep connection to Mother Earth and to the infinite Universe where we can all be bathed in unconditional loving energy whenever we so choose. A world for all to choose, for all to intuitively understand and remember the place of the soul’s birth, a world of oneness and sublime inner peacefulness.
The world awaits, awaits that magnificent global presence where all souls are perceived as equal, no one better or worse, higher or lower, that conscious community where every human being can live with the recognition that all their talents, experiences and gifts are highly valued and appreciated, whether they might be grand or minute. A collective consciousness of respect, of dignity and of love for all who inhabit the earth, a realisation that the earth’s resources can sustain each and every species, where there is no necessity for a scarcity of anything, a place free of materialistic consumerism.
A magnificent coming together of sharing, whether that be for the nourishment of physical needs, the nurturing of the emotional well-being or the care of the mental health. The world awaits, awaits the recognition within society that this distribution amongst the masses is the only peaceful way to co-exist within that collective.
The worlds awaits, awaits for it’s earth to be cared for, to be embraced in a space of calmness, balance and harmony as the perceived separation ceases to be and all join together as a collaborative whole to tend to this abundant planet we call home. The world awaits, awaits for humans to forge a connection with its fellow being, a connection so strong that it can never be broken, where we all awaken to a new normality that is never admonished or questioned, simply accepted and sanctioned as a time honoured tradition.
The world awaits still, for the many to rise up to educate the few, so that all may ascend to a world of enlightenment, to the blissful existence within a society of creative beings, creating their lives, whether grandiose or simplistic, in perfect present moment awareness. The world awaits with bated breath for the time that is drawing ever closer, awaits for each and every being to create, not only their own individual purposeful existence, but for us all to co-join within the most spectacular and grandest presence of ourselves, to step into our own highest version so that all who we encounter along our paths are encircled within our loving light and all are touched by what our souls emit to the world and beyond.
The world awaits, awaits for our collective light, the overwhelming and glorious light that exudes the most precious element of unconditional love that we can ever hold within. The world awaits that light because that light has the capability of overshadowing even the darkest aspects of our world.
The world awaits us ALL. Are you ready to awaken to embrace an enlightenment? Are YOU ready to heal from the inside out, ready to embrace ALL possibilities, whatever they may be and to open yourself up to ALL opportunities that wait to be presented to you? Are YOU ready to be at one with the collective consciousness and hear the calling of your soul?

When I sat down to set out my vision for the new world, the words you have just read flowed easily. However, sometimes it is easy to become disillusioned with recent events which appear to indicate that the exact opposite is happening on a global scale. An outpouring of protest, uprisings in society and a worldwide pandemic which has brought in waves of fear, immeasurable loss and uncertainty.
This has become a time that has seen so many of us withdrawing into our own BE-ingness, to go within to question and take time to become mindful of exactly what it is we truly desire for ourselves. Only when we identify what this is, can our faith in what we perceive for a new world be strengthened and manifested. The very fact that the new world is indeed an actual possibility can enter into the realms of our own awareness. Only then can the trust in our intuition to become part of the oneness, to merge with the collective, in order to initiate these very necessary changes. Only then will we allow this newness, embedded in global love, light and peace to emerge.
Before any of this can occur, it is essential to develop a knowingness that all human life is an experience. We must know and understand all aspects of the complete human existence before an honest decision can be attained as to what is truly desired. In order to choose love, light and peaceful contentment it is necessary to firstly experience the total opposite, darkness, fear, disillusionment and discontentment.
For many across our world, the concept of peace within a collective conscious oneness, the ways of change are inconceivable. For we must all tread our own paths, we must all come to the point of realising that another way is even possible in our own earthly timeframe. We must accept all our experiences as being essential as we endeavour to reach that point. We must face up to our truths, forgiving ourselves and others for what we perceive to have been ´mistakes.´
Only then will the way forward be illuminated as we come to recognise that no experience is right or wrong. No action is good or bad, black or white, rather it is all just part of the diverse differences in the complexities of human existence. It is all just aspects of ourselves going through what is required in order for us to reach a stage when we become ready to step into our own truth, to recognise that there is no separation or duality. Only then can the optimum time arrive when we become all as one in readiness to immerse ourselves wholly into present moment awareness.
For me, this is the exact point on my personal journey that I discover myself reaching. I finally accept and know in my heart that I am at one with each and every other being on this planet and beyond. I now understand in my very soul all others are aspects of myself, experiencing exactly what is necessary at that unique moment. All seemingly living our separate lives within the earthly concept of time, yet at the same moment, living as one within the Universal concept of timelessness. I have come to the point of remembrance that everything is occurring in the exact same perfect moment, all within perfect balance and harmony. It is all an illusion manifested by us as we create our own perfect reality with every deed, every word and every thought.
How many of us truly desire to manifest a brand-new world? Wouldn’t we all welcome a world full of shared resources, full of loving vibrational energies? A world where our purpose is to instil peace into the heart of every inhabitant? A world where we can all live in peace, in loving harmony and with enough to sustain the entire population? When enough of us reach the point of remembrance and understanding then it is infinitely possible, when we choose to co-create as the collective whole.
Yes, the earthly world is evolving and very slowly inching it’s way towards the perfection we seek, albeit in it’s own timescale. There is no doubt in my mind that eventually, enough of us who subscribe to what we see as the light, will overshadow what we view as the darkness. We will all reach this perfect understanding and have the exact same wish to unite and create a wonderful new world.
There is also no doubt in my mind that the oneness is eternal. Eventually I shall be privileged to witness what will come to be manifested by the collective consciousness and there will be a glorious celebration upon our earth plane. For now, I must accept that the evolution of our human race is in it’s infancy. Yet the road of awakening to enlightenment is open for us all to follow should we choose to seek it. That blissful existence is available for each and every one of us when we allow ourselves to have faith, believe and trust in the intuition and inner guidance that has been bestowed upon us all. I, for one, have chosen this path because for me, it is the only route available. With love, light and a peaceful existence for our wonderful world and humanity in entirety.
©Anna-Marie Blyth 2020

Anna-Marie’s Biography…
I am an experienced Spiritual Medium, discovering Spiritualism nearly 20 years ago having moved to a new location where I was made very welcome at my local Spiritual Church. Having moved away from religion a long time beforehand, I enjoyed the sense of freedom I felt as Spiritualism embraced all, there was no judgement no matter what creed, gender, sexuality and all those other factors that religions seem to find so important.
It soon became apparent that the scary shadows and images that I had shied away from in childhood were actually the gift of clairvoyance and I had the ability to give comforting messages to others. I went on to enhance that ability within development circles and meditation groups. My curiosity and enthusiasm further led me to experience many different aspects of the holistic world, and I undertook many workshops and diploma courses on a vast array of topics including working with Angels, crystals and investigating all types of healing.
In 2007 my husband and I left the UK to travel and we eventually settled in Spain where I continued to serve on platforms at Spiritual Centres in the area. I taught development groups and workshops to pass on what I had learnt to enable others to progress in the same way I had been encouraged to do.
I continued to work as a medium at several local centres. Although teaching took up most of my time, I continued to develop my own skills, and joined other groups where we discussed a profound range of topics and, fascinated by what I was learning, I helped my friend Barbara, to put together a Masters course which started me on the road to understanding how emotional and mental illness impacts on physical health.

Five years ago, my dear Dad passed, and I descended into a deep and dark place. At the same time, although he would ‘visit’ on a regular basis which was comforting, I found the grief incredibly difficult to deal with. Crying out for help, I began to receive visions and information which I would use, firstly to heal myself from debilitating long term illnesses, and secondly to live a much more elevated and magical way of life now I was no longer restricted by my past.
This opened the doors to a great deal of amazing opportunities. Realising this information had the potential to assist others I went onto create and found Awakening to Enlightenment, a set of 3 programmes to instigate healing from the inside out, embrace wonderful opportunities as the self is rediscovered and to answer the calling of the soul. I now use these programmes on a 1:1 basis to mentor others who are stuck and unable to move forward in life as I had been, using the Universal guidance I have been privileged to receive.
This led on to the development of my biggest passion for spiritual writing, channelling material during meditation or in my sleep state. These writings, including visions and information have all enabled me to fulfil a long-held ambition and become the basis for a set of designs so I could go on to produce the Awakening to Enlightenment Guidance Cards. I use these in conjuncture with Angel Cards and Guru Cards to undertake readings for those seeking personal wisdom and guidance. These cards are also available to order.
Through my work I have now become an advocate of love, light and peace in the world and passionately believe that anything is possible as we create our own reality. It all begins with our thoughts, words and actions and a few years ago with this in mind, I was guided to instigate a human wave of thoughts, words and actions for just a few minutes across our world which had an incredible impact.
Thankyou for your interest in my work. With love, light & peace to all. Anna-Marie\u2764\ufe0f
Anna-Marie’s Creations…

Awaken to Enlightenment Guidance Cards

Awaken to Enlightenment Programme
If you’re interested in buying her Awaken to Enlightenment Guidance Cards or taking part in her Awaken to Enlightenment Programme you can contact her below.
Connect with Anna-Marie…
Facebook: Anna-Marie Blyth AngelMedium
Facebook Groups: Awaken to Sharing
Sharing our Love, Light & Peace
Instagram: Anna-Marie Blyth
YouTube: Anna-Marie Blyth
Email: annamarie.awaken@gmail.com
ThankYou Anna-Marie…
Thank you so much Anna-Marie for being YOU, for sharing some of your journey with me and today for sharing more of you, and your story of Magical NewEarth with us all. It is an honour to be your Divine friend and stand with you, walking our talk, inspiring others to be the love and light each truly is within. I look forward to our next meet-up.
I’d love you to share this Guest Author/Blogger Feature…
Let’s support each other by sharing this Guest Author/Blogger Feature on your own website/social media. I don’t have a reblog button, but you can write a short introduction about the Guest blogger and their story Magical NewEarth, inviting your readers to both join in this writing challenge and read the post here too.
Thankyou so much, together we can make sure we continue supporting and inspiring each other AND co-create Magical NewEarth.
Magical NewEarth
Do you want to be part of my Guest Author/Blogger Feature…
Throughout this summer, IAM hosting a Guest Blogger/Author Feature to put YOU and YOUR writing talent in the LIGHT. Not only this, your story Magical NewEarth will be part of a Free E-Book we will be publishing worldwide to inspire mass consciousness who is now Awakening.
I know this is an incredible venture that is deeply impacting the world we live in.
For more information and how to apply, please read my post here.
Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness
A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple
I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.
Join our MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth.
There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class
All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit association The Magnificent Consciousness that holds free local projects in Benalmadena, Spain.