IAM honoured to welcome our dear Divine and Magnificent friend Sue Dreamwalker as our Guest Blogger on this platform, Me, My Magnificent Self. A quiet and sacred space in which to inspire and support one another as we all journey through this Great Shift of Consciousness together.
As most of you know, and in Sue’s own words, she has the gift of words, compassion and understanding and spreads them around like confetti, showering others with love and encouragement, instilling that ALL is as it should be.
Sue is a loving Earth Warrior who beats her drum to the rhythm of Mother Nature, diving deep within herself, within All That Is, sharing all her adventures and excitement with us all. Especially now, as we find ourselves gathering together more and more for this very special Celebration as Human Consciousness explodes to release the millennia of darkness and uncovers Sovereign Divine brilliance that is ready to be experienced by All who dare!
Sue and I were both born and bred in the same neck of the woods. The Derbyshire Dales in the Peak District, England. For me it felt very special to meet together online and share our similar passions and mission, holding our individual unique visions of NewEarth high for all to resonate with, joining others to create one harmonious beat.
Sue’s spiritual gifts of clairvoyance and clairsentient began as a child, when she would see with her naked eye people no one else saw. Around the age of 12, as Sue was walking up her family stairs, she saw a lady with a huge white billowing hat dressed to the floor in black, walk across her landing.
Sue later learned she was a nun, one she had not seen before as she wore a triangular mantel head dress. She was told she was imagining things, but a special bond had been made and although she never saw her again with her naked eye, she would often turn up in her internal vision. Whenever Sue suffered with stress or depression her nun was always somewhere in the back of her mind, sensing her presence, Sue would talk out her problems with her.
Her Nun was confirmed to her over and over by others who had mediumistic skills, even describing the unusual headdress.
Sue is grateful for her Nun’s patience and staying with her over the years and feels even today, when the outer world gets too much that it her Nun’s presence that resonates with her to retreat into a sacred space of silence. The sacred space of her garden and allotment plot where she grows her own fresh produce AND contemplates.
Over the years Sue has magically weaved her true stories with colourful pens and brushes, to share with all, her many experiences and excitement to be here now at this most critical time, daring us all to follow our passion and fulfil our mission here on Earth.
If you’ve never met our Sue, I urge you to visit her websites, linked below and sign up to receive her weekly musings that will for sure give you courage to walk the path of the Earth Warrior at this most exciting time on Earth, and be part of a great Celebration and shift of Consciousness that is taking place now.
Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy Sue’s musings about her Magical New Earth, to inspire YOU to imagine and visualise YOUR own grand dream of absolute happiness and harmony being Your most Magnificent Self.
Sue shares her Story… Magical New Earth
From an early age I have always been a Dreamer, a questioner, a seeker and daydreamer of magical possibilities as I wander down the corridors of my mind to envision what Earth should have been, and what is still possible even today in these chaotic challenging times.
In a world that seemingly spins faster as our perception heightens, as our vibration alters, we who are transforming, are seeing the storms brew, both in our weather patterns around the globe, and also within our minds as our volatile thoughts rebound in circular tornadoes, of anger, hatred and jealousies.
We often point our fingers of blame in other people’s directions. Pushing the blame for our predicaments on other people’s doors. Seldom do we look in the mirror to realise we all hold personal responsibility for our thoughts and actions. And if we want to see a change in the world, then it is WE, who are the ones that have to begin to change our own ways of being as we send those ripples out into the world. For what we sow, so shall we reap. And we are now beginning to reap all that we have sown.
Here today in 2020, we are witnessing the air and oxygen we breathe playing its vital role in the world. We never gave much thought to our breath, until we had to don on our masks, as we are told to protect ourselves and others. Yet the breath gets sucked out of the world’s lungs every single day, with every single tree that is cut from the forest’s lungs.
The rainfall flooding the planes, causing more landslides as the soil erosion escalates. Mother Earth’s own tears spill faster and faster as her soil is poisoned by chemicals, the ocean and waterways polluted by our waste. Her belly rumbles as she tries to shake us awake as her earthquakes warn, and her breath howls in tornadoes of anger.
Many do not understand the connection of the deep wounds and layers of our Ancient ancestors, of whom our blood is mixed throughout time. Or of those star visitors whose seedings we are part. They do not understand the past traumas we ourselves have held onto in various incarnations or early childhood, as we are recycled back over and over to replay and relearn, until we remember who we are. Until we release and Let go of this material realm.
And many do not understand the deeper connection of how we are all part of one organism, or connect what we are experiencing now throughout the world, so too our Earth Mother also experiences.
And it is not until you truly begin the journey of self-discovery, and the power of Love we each hold within our hearts you then understand just how ALL is connected.
And how Gaia herself was in fact giving us the opportunity to reconnect within our Sacred Silent space, as the world locked itself down within its own fear in these unprecedented times of 2020. That will be marked down in History as a Great Tipping point one way or the other. That Choice is still for each of yet to make.
WE, who are here right now at this time within our own and Earth’s evolution of ‘2020 Vision’, are not seeing the correlation between our taking of our Earth’s oxygen in the huge deforestation programs around our globe, to the lack of oxygen we now are breathing behind our masks. We are not seeing the behaviours of individuals and groups whose deep-seated wounds are now resurfacing as they are being purged out in the open, with unrest. As injustices once again rear its head which have caused division and insecurities within the past. This is a time of great clearings and of Choice… It is a time of reconciliation and it is also a time of resilience.
And WE who find ourselves here right now at this time, chose to be here at this very crucial time of this transformation… The choice is all about how we perceive to deal with these extreme times, we now need to think really hard about our choices, for our choices choose our future time lines of our experiences.
We who connect with Gaia, heard her call, even though amnesia from our own blue prints have highjacked us from our mission life time after life time. But still we came… And NOW is the time upon our Mother Earth, to amplify our thoughts as we Unify and send Unconditional Love into the hearts of ALL Darkness…
We All have our Dream Magic… And those who are Truth seekers, Way showers, Lightworkers, know that as we each hold our hearts in Love, as we unify our hearts as ONE… We will extinguish the power of the darkness to change our present time line to be one of beauty, peace, unity and harmony…
BUT WE HAVE TO DREAM IT into Being… So I paint my Dreams into being, as I set free the darkness, as Unity, Love, Compassion and joy are brought into the New Earth via each of our hearts. Via each of our thoughts, and actions. The Dreamer I am see’s the beauty and harmony. I see a point where Free Energy will change everyone’s life in the future. I see communities sharing, pooling resources, knowledge and skills… I see where there is plenty for ALL, where no soul on Earth should ever starve. I see it and I Know it. But we all now have to hold that vision within our hearts, and Be that love and compassion, as we respect our brothers and sisters and our Earth Mother. And our actions need to mirror our thoughts.
So, I breathe in Love, Laughter and Joy into my Painting of dreams, I Believed in a World where ALL helped each other, and the domination of control, and greed are no more… My heart swells as I closed my eyes in the dance of our Future time line… New Earth is Birthing and we are just now witnessing her labour pains. She is holding her breath, ready for her final push.
And we are the ones who have to assist her in that final push… No longer can we sit and point our fingers at what is wrong, we have to gather together and create within our minds, our families, our communities, our vision of New Earth.
Where all are equal and Sovereign Beings, as we lead by example. The split we are already witnessing of those who remain in the density of this 3D reality and those who are raising their frequencies to embrace and treat others as they themselves wish to be treated. As we share our love, unity, and peace.
You now can visibly see the split of those whose service is only to self, and those whose service is in helping others.
So much has been shared in the world about our Ascension process, and we are not suddenly going to be lifted or transported off world to some other density or realm… For all realms exist within the whole holographic Earth.
For New Earth is inside of all of us… We just have to create it within ourselves… We have to perceive our world through the eyes of love, not lack… We have to unify instead of divide… We have to hold Joy, not anger or jealousies, and most of all we have to hold LOVE as we each completely let go of All Fear as we let go of our material possessions, as we trust in the process of Gaia’s upgrade.
This journey of discovery is forever expanding who we are… We’re unifying more strongly than ever before. We each hold within us our vision of New Earth…. But first we have to go within and BE that vision, we need to let go of fear, and reach out our hearts to others, try not to judge those who do not think as we do. But hold compassion and Love and respect, as we unite in our families, our communities and Nations…
But it all begins with loving and respecting, nurturing ourselves.
My own personal journey has taken me down many paths, through many emotions, but each lesson, each crossroads, each hurdle was needed to help strengthen me for this very moment in Time.
New Earth resides Inside each of our hearts…. We all just have to create it, knowing as we Dream it within our Being, we then manifest it into our reality. Trust in yourselves as we each follow our hearts in creating our New Earth where all are Sovereign, where all are free, and where all are connected within Unity Consciousness through Love and our Hearts.
Love and Blessings
©Sue Dreamwalker 2020
Sue’s Biography…
I woke up in the early 90’s and my spiritual path evolved as a working platform Spiritualist National Union (SNU) trained medium who worked giving messages and philosophy to various Spiritualist venues throughout my region for over 20 yrs. on a voluntary basis in Divine Services and Demonstrations. I ran Meditation groups, Development circles and also sat for Trance, along with sitting for others who were developing physical phenomena ND Trance.
My Day job for 28 years was working my way up through the ranks from sewing machinists to Training Manager within the textile industry.
Having suffered a nervous breakdown and health issues from absorbing the stress from my Day Job, and other issues. I set about self-healing the chronic illness of Fibromyalgia, weekly Migraines, Raynaud’s Disease, and spondylosis of the neck. I did this with Affirmations of Self love, Mirror work, Qi Gong exercises, Meditation, Past life regression, and Alternative Therapies, such as Acupuncture and Reiki.
After changing my Career path I then trained in mental health, working for 11 yrs as Social Care Worker in supported living, and Mental health in helping Adults with learning difficulties such as Autism, Asperger’s, and Down Syndrome. My own experience of a breakdown helped me understand from a different perspective how Mental health issues are not understood.
Now Retired from work, but still aspiring to raise my consciousness in that over the years I have done some deep diving inner shadow work. I now accept each new day with all its positive challenges, as we learn and expand our consciousness.
Connect with Sue…
Website: Dreamwalker’s Santuary
A Sanctuary for Enlightenment and Peace through Poetry and Inspirational Thoughts as we go through Life…
I am but an ordinary woman, who see’s beyond this Vale. And wants to share her Light and knowledge with others…
I walk my path trying to help others along the way, I hold a Dream of life which will end decay…
My Path is long and the road maybe rough. But each of us has to try give back and say enough’s enough…
So I share my vision through poems and thought. Of hopes and dreams in this life we get caught…
And if you should stumble upon my page. Leave me your comment for you too are a Sage…
Website: Dreamwakers Garden
Growing Your Own Produce and Remedies
I created this blog in order to share my husband’s and my passion for organic gardening. In today’s climate of fast foods and additives, people are coming to realise the benefits of healthy eating and are beginning to realise the harm all the pesticides and herbicides do in not only poisoning the earth, but the toxins are being found in high levels within our own blood steams. Which can account for illness. Upon the Posts and Pages, I hope to show you the progress of our allotment and also share some Recipes and Remedies and maybe the odd Ritual thrown in now and again..
YouTube: Sue Dreamwalker
ThankYou Sue…
Thank you so much Sue for being YOU, for sharing yourself with us all and in particular for participating in this Magical NewEarth adventure. It is an honour to be your Divine friend and stand with you in this last Human incarnation on Earth as we claim our DivineHuman sovereignty, gathering all of ourselves in these sacred vessels in order to experience the great grand dream of living in Community, Service and Harmony together as Embodied Enlightened Beings.
I’d love you to share this Guest Author/Blogger Feature…
Let’s support each other by sharing this Guest Author/Blogger Feature on your own website/social media. I don’t have a reblog button, but you can write a short introduction about the Guest blogger and their story Magical NewEarth, inviting your readers to both join in this writing challenge and read the post here too.
Thankyou so much, together we can make sure we continue supporting and inspiring each other AND co-create Magical NewEarth.
Magical NewEarth
Do you want to be part of my Guest Author/Blogger Feature…
Throughout this summer, IAM hosting a Guest Blogger/Author Feature to put YOU and YOUR writing talent in the LIGHT. Not only this, your story Magical NewEarth will be part of a Free E-Book we will be publishing worldwide to inspire mass consciousness who is now Awakening.
I know this is an incredible venture that is deeply impacting the world we live in.
For more information and how to apply, please read my post here.
Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness
A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple
I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.
Join our MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth.
There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class
All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit association The Magnificent Consciousness that holds free local projects in Benalmadena, Spain.