Meet the latest star of television!

Hello, Costa Women. I have some very exciting news – I’m going to be on ‘The One Show’ on Monday 5 May, 8.00pm Spanish time. It’s all because of this blog post:

It was picked up by a BBC researcher who was bringing a camera crew to Spain, and I was asked to appear on the programme. It just goes to show that you never know who will come across what you write. This is the second time one of my blog posts has been picked up by the BBC. Last year a post about the Winter Fuel Allowance got me an invite to the Jeremy Vine Show on Radio 2!

They filmed me in the local market, and I had a great time, and so did the market traders, who thought it was great that their fantastic fruit and veg would be starring on British tv!

So, if you’re not doing anything special on Monday evening, maybe you’d like to take a look at my current affairs debut!