If you’re coming to the online launch of Someday Never Comes today (Friday 16th August) you might be interested in the plan for the festivities. If you’re not coming (why not?) the outline below might entice you to change your mind. Here’s the link, just in case you decide to drop in. You’re very welcome to do so, whether for a few minutes or a few hours: https://www.facebook.com/events/143137672553746/
There will be five quizzes, based around crime. The winner of each quiz will win an e-book version
of Bad Moon Rising, or, if they already have Bad Moon Rising, an e-book version of Someday Never Comes.
Even if you don’t win one of the five quizzes, you could still be in for a prize because the person who answers the most questions correctly over the course of the five quizzes will win a paperback copy of either Bad Moon Rising or Someday Never Comes – their choice.
In between the crime quizzes there will be music questions, such as what line comes next and who first recorded songs that became hits for others. There won’t be any prizes for these questions, just the satisfaction of knowing you answered them before anyone else could!
If you can’t make the party, but might like to read either book, they are available in both paperback and e-book versions. The links below are to the e-book versions on Amazon.co.uk, but they are available worldwide.
Bad Moon Rising: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bad-Moon-Rising-ebook/dp/B007HH5H8O/
Someday Never comes: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Someday-Never-Comes-ebook/dp/B00EJUJHUG/