Just to let my beautiful ladies know that my book is launched and can be purchased through Amazon and other book stores.
A brief synopsis of the book:-An Introduction to The Love Revolution Love Life, Not Strife The inspirational teachings of wellbeing therapist Lily Trainor Personal Life Coach Extraordinary A remarkable small book with a wealth of information and guidance for those who are trying to make sense of their lives, deal with a wearisome or distressing situation, or feel that they are not achieving their potential. Drawing on a lifetime of learning, teaching and acquired education from her own life experiences, life coach extraordinary Lily Trainor has a gift for organising the disorganised. She says passionately; My sole objective in attaining this knowledge was to pass the torch; to inspire others with a passion for living, especially those for whom indifference and even despondency had become self-inflicted afflictions. Without giving too much away this invaluable life changing volume offers the nuts and bolts of mental mechanisms. Subjects cover health, family issue, attitudes in the working environment, and healthy diet. Interaction is an essential component of the human condition, the most powerful being that of loving relationships: Very important too; friendship, sociability and integrity of companionship. Essential, an understanding of the concept of trust and service to ones circle of friends and family. The Love Revolution places our lives in proper perspective so that we may understand better, and, in a rational way put in place the rapid response solution to reduce stress, cope with a stressful situation; and help us achieve mission seemingly impossible. Learn not so much the authority of words but the authority of their meaning. This is not an encyclopaedia but many readers will find that by practicing its recommendations their lives will change for the better.
Enjoy and I would appreciate reviews of the book. Blessings and love to all….