What does Costa Women mean to You?

In September 2010, Costa Women was just an idea with lots of questions as to whether it would “work” and if I build a platform will they come?   I never imagined we would be heading towards (woo hoo I have since welcomed) 1000 members nearly 2 years later with Women joining us from all over Spain and the Islands, as well as Women who are planning on living here as part of their life plans.  Thank YOU for making this more than just another networking Group, but for creating a fantastic and supportive community!

To celebrate our 2nd anniversary, it would be great to hear what Costa Women means to you.  Do you have a story about Costa Women, about new friends, business opportunities created, or a personal tale to tell?  It could be summed up in a paragraph, or just a few words.  A prize will be awarded for the best entry so get your keys tapping and email me your thoughts to costawomen@gmail.com


PS Thanks for the entries so far – keep them coming!