A New Term Begins—For Us and Our Businesses

A New Term Begins—For Us and Our Businesses

As summer winds down, the air shifts, signalling not just the end of long days and warm nights, but also the start of something new.  

For children, it’s the beginning of a new school term, a time filled with the promise of fresh opportunities and renewed focus.

For us in the business world, the transition from summer to fall can be seen in much the same way.  

After a period of relaxation and, perhaps, a slower pace, it’s time to reset and refocus on our professional goals.  Over the years, I have heard so many Women say its really hard to find their mojo after the summer, a disconnection has taken place – life would be so much easier with a reset button.  Here’s some thoughts from me for finding that button and ideas for the pressure to apply.

Returning to work feelings

Business Phases: Like Term Times for Children

In many ways, our business lives are structured similarly to a child’s school year. The year is divided into phases, or seasons, each with its own set of challenges and milestones.  A time to plant, a time to water, a time to grow, a time to cultivate, a time to nuture.

Summer can serve as a natural interlude—a time when many businesses can work at a slower pace, we take vacations and the pace of work lightens.

Just as students use their term breaks to recharge before diving back into their studies, we too may have used this summer pause to rejuvenate.  Being out of our natural environment on holiday, we may have been thinking about what we have created, why and our passion for our business.

The same way students eventually return to the structured environment of school, its now time to return to the structured rhythms of work. Whilst breaks are essential for creativity and well-being, the time to refocus and push toward the end-of-year intentions is just as important.


Resetting for a Productive Fall

The key to making a successful transition from summer relaxation to fall productivity lies in a thoughtful reset. Here are some strategies to help you hit the ground running:

Reflect on the Summer: Take a moment to review the past few months.  Go back through your diary and notes and see …

  • What worked well?
  • Was there something that didn’t?
  • And what can you learn?

Use these insights to inform your strategy for the fall.

Re-establish Routines: Just as children benefit from the predictability of a school routine, so too can we benefit from re-establishing daily routines. Whether it’s getting back to journalling, a regular workout schedule, meal prepping, setting specific work hours by creating boundaries; routines help create a framework for success.

Declutter Your Workspace: Physical and digital clutter can be mentally taxing. Start the new business phase by organising, cleaning, clearing and decluttering your desk.  Decluttering your email inbox and create some spaciousness for new to arrive. 

Set Fresh Intentions: Use the energy of a new season to set fresh, actionable intentions, goals and a roadmap to get you there.

What do you want to achieve before the year ends?

Break these intentions and goals down into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain momentum.

Refresh your world: Rather like the new school kit, its time to buy yourself some things which bring you joy – new pens, a journal, or weekly planner.  In Spain we have some wonderful shops to reinvigorate that creativity – Alehop, or Flytiger are two of my favourites to stock up on goodies which I love using as I work.  And check out these gorgeous pencils with seeds inside from Sprout (your pencil)

Refocusing on Your Business Intentions, Goals and longer term Plan

Once you’ve reset, it’s time to refocus:

Revisit Your Business Plan: The start of a new term is an ideal time to revisit your business plan. Are you on track to meet your annual goals? If not, what adjustments need to be made?

Prioritise Projects: Not all projects are created equal. Take the time to prioritise the initiatives that will have the most significant impact on your business. Focus on what will drive growth and profitability as the year closes.  What can wait, or shouldn’t really be on your list at all?   Take the first few weeks to record what you are spending your time doing.   On the last day of the week, look through the list – did this need to be done, could it have been done better, can you get help rather than spend your precious time on it?   Plot and plan!

Reconnect with Clients: Summer often leads to a lull in communication. Now is the perfect time to reconnect with clients, or people on your radar before the summer began.  Go through your messages to see if any slipped through whilst you were travelling.  Maybe then wasn’t the right time for a new Client to work with you, so a lovely welcome back, you aren’t forgotten post, message or email could be just the thing.  Send out a newsletter, schedule catch-up meetings and re-establish those vital connections.

Invest in Learning, Invest in You: Like students who return to school eager to learn, consider this time an opportunity to invest in professional development. Whether it’s attending workshops, reading business, or personal development books, or participating in webinars around your niche, continuous learning keeps you ahead of the curve.  Find a mastermind which will give you accountability and on track.

Embrace Innovation: The fall is a great time to explore new tools, technologies and strategies that can streamline your operations. Innovation can be the key to unlocking new levels of productivity and efficiency.  AI is changing the business landscape daily.  Are there new tools and new ways of working which might reduce your hours and increase your productivity?

Find your hive: just as children move class and may find new friends, who has your business back?  Review your friendships and business buddies and ensure you are surrounded by Women who lift you up and want what’s best, not just for your business, but you as a human being.  

Find your business classroom: how is your network?  Get back into networking either locally or online, and reconnect.  There are many opportunities during networking to connect, learn, grow and share your awesome business.  Getting away from the desk for a few hours can prove a useful mini-break and set you back invigorated to dig back in.

Networking businesswomen in spain

As we transition from summer to fall, it’s essential to view this time as a fresh start—a new term in our business lives.

By resetting our routines, refocusing on our intentions, dreams and goals, and embracing the opportunities that lie ahead, we can approach the remainder of the year with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Just like children returning to school, let’s tackle this new phase with excitement and a commitment to our success.

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