Are YOU aware of YOUR Awakening & Integration?


I noticed how comfortable I felt experiencing our last powerful Super Blue FullMoon Eclipse… I didn’t feel any big emotions coming up that usually try and pull me into play… just a little of my old control and the other side of the coin, the victim; old roles coming up that were ready to dissolve. I simply breathed in acceptance, relaxed and enjoyed it all. A couple of days later I woke up feeling physically sick and spent a morning in bed and in the bathroom, literally releasing lots.


So I can say it was awesomely powerful. This moon was helping Humankind big time, naturally detoxing us from our old 3D thoughts and emotions, making space in our physical body/mind for more light upgrades. So we are by no means finished yet. So hang in there. Higher in vibration we go. Yes. Preparing for Embodied Enlightenment.


I was wondering what to blog about this week… and whilst I was sorting through past blog posts I came across a post I wrote back in 2013, Awakening to Who You Truly Are. So after a little tweak here and there I’ve copied it underneath, because it’s probably even more valid now as more and more people are feeling the symptoms of their Natural Awakening and wondering Whats Going On! 


After all my own Awakening and Integration experience, IAM driven with great passion to be here and remind everyone that everything is happening most perfectly and it’s time for the Human to slow down, take it easy, relax and breathe…  and allow the part of you to bring you through this Great Transformation… Your Awakening and Integration in ease and grace.


Awakening to Who You Truly Are

Based on my own ‘long’ awakening and integration experience; that IAM still experiencing, the awakening of my sacred friends, the teachings of Adamus from the Crimson Circle and the research of Heather Carlini from the Carlini Institute, I have written the stages of Awakening that have helped me journey through this time and I know will help others to understand what is happening to them now. To allow their fears and pains to come home to them peacefully… and with acceptance and consciously breathing… realise their heart and soul’s desire to experience Heaven on Earth.


One heart at a time, Humankind is naturally Awakening after a long and hard ‘Human’ experience. You remember that you are so much more than your physical Human body, mind and five senses you have used.  You know that this Awakening is part of a natural cycle of stages…  stages that at times you think you are going nowhere or even backwards… but the Divine part of you has it all perfectly under their umbrella of responsibility.


You are part of an ever expanding cosmic happening. The Awakening Human realising the existence of its light body within and how NOW, with new awareness, it the perfect time to experience the integration of your light body & your physical body. For you to experience the full blossoming of your Enlightenment here in the physical reality and beyond. Allowing yourself to consciously live on Earth as a Sovereign and Magnificent Being… A Living Ascended MasterCreator.



It begins with… shutting down the contact with your soul to fully experience your humanness…
You may remember a time in your childhood crying, feeling misunderstood and being alone in your bedroom and maybe at the same time seeing, hearing or feeling ‘a presence’, ‘a light’, ‘an angelic song’ or a deep knowing that everything was just fine.


At some stage during your childhood, like so many others… you chose to ‘shut down’ the communication with your soul and spiritual essence to allow yourself freedom to fully experience your humanness and the world of duality.  It was probably too early to ‘come out’ and tell your parents and the world of your true and magical magnificence… they wouldn’t of understood back then… But you somehow found the courage to get on with your life, grow up and move away from the family home and begin your own life. Seeking your FREEDOM. Living and experiencing life, focusing on your work, children, relationship, hobby. Learning about LOVE and PAIN.


First Stage of Awakening… Your call to attention…
At the most perfect time, ‘your soul’ creates the most perfect situation to get ‘your Human’ attention.


Your children leave the family nest, your relationship becomes tiring, you feel agitated, feel empty, feel that you are missing out on something, other people’s drama and negative behaviour becomes too overwhelming for you, you feel trapped, you feel curious as to what else is out there, you have questions about life.


A book, a movie, a person suddenly catches your attention and uplifts you. You lose your career or someone close. You have a serious accident or a dis-ease of the body, mind & spirit.


Second Stage of Awakening… Dismantling your life…
Bit by bit your old life falls away… you lose your job, relationships, friends, family… your old ways of thinking, believing and doing all come up to be questioned… Your fears come into question… You re-evaluate your whole life and what you all about.


This stage can be quite traumatic if you don’t understand what is happening and only fight life instead of trusting yourself. Think of it as a test… from your soul, to find out if you are ready to integrate your humanness and divineness now, here on EARTH. Allow yourself to resonate with this natural stage of your awakening, consciously breathe, accept and flow with life. Know its all going to be OK, no matter what situation you gave yourself to experience.


Third Stage of Awakening… Glimpses of Clarity and releasing human desperation…
You become interested in different things, nature, creative pursuits, beauty, yourself… you attract different friends, jobs and find a new way talking with family… you start FEELING a deep love for yourself and life, you take time out for yourself, come up for yourself. You realise that what you have been searching for… LOVE, FREEDOM, JOY… is right there within YOU. You connect with your sixth FEELING sense… An innate intuitive communication between your divineness and humanness.  You see the fog lifting and allow yourself to connect with non-physical beings.


Then you become distracted from this new clarity about yourself, about life… Life throws at you worries about a project, fears of change, a body that doesn’t want to work, pain, having no money, having no friends, being alone. It is essential that you understand that these are all your old doubts and aspects of your past, coming up and back home to you… wanting to be accepted, loved and released. It is all part of the integration of ALL OF YOU


Fourth Stage of Awakening… Quiet Time and Potentialising…
Consciously breathing in acceptance, of being in a place of fun, creativeness, laughter and joy in the present moment. Accepting your mind games and allowing yourself to go beyond the limited mind and physical dual world. Allowing the distractions and doubts that continue to come home to you, to integrate… becoming ONE WITH YOU. 


You know that you always have a choice. You trust your mind to give you all the answers you need. Trust your body to take care of itself. Trust your soul and spiritual essence to bring you fully into the integration of your ‘Human Divine’ Enlightenment. You allow yourself to flow with the New Energy Consciousness, living in a new and harmonious way… Your Way. Allowing yourself to bring your hearts desire, dream and potential into the physical reality…


Trusting your physical dense body to take its own time to transform from Carbon Based to Crystalline Based…
You realise, after ‘years’ of integrating the depth and magnitude of All of Yourself…  it takes your physical body/mind as long as it needs to physically transform from the carbon based Human to the crystalline DivineHuman.


You learn patience, enjoying each moment; experiencing the blossoming of your 6 senses and the release of all your old fears and yesterdays as they detox & transform. You realise the more you fall back into drama, your body/mind systems will play up and let you know!


You also notice how your ‘light code’ upgrades play havoc on your physical body, causing many uncomfortable moments… it is essential to trust this process and remember all is well and everything will pass… eventually.




Affects and Changes of the Awakening to the Earth and the Human Body…

The Earth and Humankind are all part of a Natural Shift of Consciousness that is occurring now… Our solar system finds itself surrounded by a higher vibrational energy… a new energy that we have called forth in our declaration for no more fear, greed and power-mongering…  It is an energy that resonates with LOVE… Love that humans have learned to FEEL here on Earth… Love, that creates DivineHumanBeings, allowing them to live in a peaceful and harmonious surrounding on Earth…  This new energy, of intense light actually affects the magnetic make-up of our whole solar system… Creating intense magnetic storms on our sun, where strong solar flares reach the Earths orbit and interfere with the magnetics within the Earth and the Human Being…


The human body contains millions of tiny magnetic particles… that interconnect through human antenna’s to the Earth’s magnetic field, enabling the human to receive and transmit consciousness which influence the physical body and all its internal systems…


The interference of the magnetic field is causing ‘a cleansing effect’ on Earth, physical shifting and shaking the earth and her inhabitants, creating unusual weather patterns and within the Human Being…  cleansing people from all their fears and yesterdays…  It is actually the most beautiful gift that we can receive… Intense light to naturally awaken our consciousness, changing our DNA and crystalising our molecules…  Our inner light, our soul is being ignited anew, clearing our body of past debris… burning away everything that no longer serves us, leaving nothing but pure love and passion within each Human Being and the Earth….


During this shift in consciousness… our awakening, full enlightenment and living ascension… is affecting our mental, emotional and physical bodies, pulling us all ways and putting us through some uncomfortable and painful times… Our body consciousness, body, mind and spirit is finding a new balance… It is most important neither to fight nor to give in… but to trust that everything is all so perfect…This is our journey… so choose to enjoy it…




Awakening & Integration Symptoms…



Aches and pains in the joints, especially neck, shoulders and back
Heat sensations… (Beyond the menopause)
Feeling cold, feeling hot
Dizzy and shaky
Ringing in the ears
Red patchy skin, especially the face
Itchy skin
Severe Scalp Flaking (Cerebral Fluid Escape)
(Invisible)bug bites
Waking up a lot
Headaches and Migraine
Stomach aches
No appetite
Extremes of diarrhea and constipation
Eating a lot
Not eating a lot
Heart palpitations
Irregular heartbeats



Deep Sadness



Intense Dreaming
Not thinking straight
Losing words


My suggestions for more comfort…

Lots of sleep, naps through the day if possible
Gentle walks in nature
Drink lots of fresh water
Consciously breathe in the new energy into your physical body, especially in painful areas…
Less Caffeine… coffee, tea and alcohol
Diet of protein, good fats, fruit and veg
Soaking the body in Epsom salts and lavender oil


My WordPress friends and myself also co-created a Free E-Book back in 2014, a selection of our true awakening that you can download and read by clicking on the picture below.



Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness



Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom By Barbara Franken

My true Love Story: Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom.
For more detailed information about my Awakening and Integration I published by true magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.



A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores…
Amazon and Apple



MasterCreator Class Module

For the ones who are fully Awakening/Integrating and are ready to commit to and celebrate their new role as MasterCreator…. I have created a MasterCreator Class to fully embrace All of Yourself through passive and active meditation… dance, song, art, writing, inner journeys.


There is no time like NOW to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… For more Info on the next local Class on the Costa del Sol and online go to: MasterCreator Class






All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit business that inspires others through creative expression to explore, discover and express ‘The Magnificent Consciousness’ each person truly is and their unique space in the heart of life. At the moment in Benalmadena I hold 2 free projects… A Creative Art Project with Children and a Relax & Talk Group for people struggling with Mental Health & Chronic Pain. More Info: Our Magnificent Consciousness