Rachel Smets

Feeling Lonely & Disconnected? Here’s HOW to Connect

Have you ever been surrounded by people and still felt lonely? Have you ever stayed in a beautiful location but felt unhappy?  You want to feel FREE, independent and BELONG wherever you are. Here’s how you can change from feeling ‘disconnected’ to feeling ‘connected’ and belonging! Each time I travel to a new country, away from family and friends, …

Feeling Lonely & Disconnected? Here’s HOW to Connect Read More »

Inspiration to make and reach your goal this New Year!

Create goals that you WILL achieve! Learn HOW. ·         What will you be doing in 10 years? ·         Where would you like to be? ·         What is keeping your from achieving your dream or goal? Many people have resolutions and goals every year, but only few people achieve them. It seems  like somewhere, along our path, things happen, life gets …

Inspiration to make and reach your goal this New Year! Read More »

****4 TOP Tips to help you adjust in a NEW country ***

****4 TOP Tips to help you adjust in a NEW country *** Moving is considered a TOP stress factors  in life! Moving within your own country is stressful, but let’s talk about relocating in a ‘’NEW country’’ !!! If you relocate to a new country with the SAME language as yours, it becomes slightly less …

****4 TOP Tips to help you adjust in a NEW country *** Read More »