Costa Women Blogs

Don't be the Guiri - Fit in with the Locals!
When living in Spain, it’s good to know the ways of the locals to be able to feel like you fit in with the crowd. Here’s a couple of Spain’s most common customs to get you started:  ...
Feeling Lonely & Disconnected? Here's HOW to Connect
Have you ever been surrounded by people and still felt lonely? Have you ever stayed in a beautiful location but felt unhappy?  You want to feel FREE, independent and BELONG wherever you are. Here’s...
To Inspire & Support YOUR Awakening & Ascension
  Based on our own Awakening experiences my sacred friends and myself came together these last 4 years to write a 3 part series of our True Awakening Experiences (that are below to freely...
The Ultimate Guide to Easter in Spain
The Easter period is known in Spain as “Semana Santa” the Holy Week and is the most religious holiday in the country. Spaniards walk the streets, enrobed in traditional gowns and surrounded...
Why pain is different for women
Chronic Pain patients are far more likely to be women.  Women take, on average, 7 – 10 contacts with medical professionals to receive appropriate pain medication (3 for men!) If a woman has...
How to Feel Passionate about Living again...
  You’re wondering why you feel like you’ve lost all zest for living, the excitement, drive and passion you used to eagerly follow… playing your roles of husband/wife, homemaker,...
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