Costa Women Blogs

Carpal Tunnel - Avoiding Surgery and pain
Carpal Tunnel is a diagnosis that is becoming more and more common. But so few patients get good results from treating it. And then you end up in a situation where the pain goes on and on . . . . And painkillers can’t treat it. And operations can make it worse. And it’s often ignored – or dismissed as you being a “hypochondriac”. A recent study in Madrid compared physiotherapy with surgery for women with Carpal Tunnel syndrome. Unsurprisingly, (in my completely unbiased opinion!!) physiotherapy got better results in terms of pain reduction and, most critically, return to function and movement. This was especially noticeable at the 1, 3 and 6 month marks as they didn’t have to recover from surgery. Stopping it before it starts I’m going to let my patient, Danielle tell the rest of this story – taking the time at the beginning to listen to her history meant she avoided unnecessary surgery and make a quick recovery. “I began to experience numbness in my fingers and hand extending to my upper arm on the right side and occasionally in my fingers and hand on the left. I thought I had slept awkwardly, and if I ignored it, it would go away.  It didn’t! One night I was awoken by completely numb fingers, hand and arm and extreme pain. In the morning I could barely use my hand. Night after night the pain increased and day after day, I could not perform the simplest of tasks – like picking up a kettle, or using a knife and fork, writing or typing. I went to see my GP. He diagnosed carpal tunnel and said the operation was very simple.  I did not want an operation. So I telephoned Estelle at Bodyworks. Estelle asked me if I had a problem with my neck, I said no, but later I mentioned that I had broken a rib and other smaller injuries falling down the stairs 9 months before.  What appeared to have been an isolated incident in my wrist was traced back through my arm and neck. Fast results After 3 appointments I began to sleep better, I still had numbness, but the pain had started to disappear.  I now sleep every night knowing that the pain and numbness will go in time.  I am having the root of the problem cured.  The right treatment makes the body work!” Listen first – to every detail! If your doctor / therapist / consultant doesn’t take the time to talk to you, look at you and examine not just the area that hurts but the person attached to it . . . please think about whether they are treating you or just your scans. Getting the right information to treat the root of the problem makes fixing it a simple mechanical solution.
It's Time To Speak Your Purpose
Are you tired of getting confused looks when you express what you do?Are you struggling to find the right words to explain your purpose?Are you feeling nervous about sharing the value of your work? If you’ve answered “yes” to even one of these questions, there may be a major blockage in your throat chakra. When energy flows freely through the throat, it’s easier to find the right words. You can speak your truth with greater clarity and confidence. Would like to know how to speak your purpose in 5 days or less? I’ve just created a brand new program called Speak Your Purpose – 5-Day Quickstart and it’s completely free! During this inspiring and insightful 5-Day Quickstart, you will…✔ Express what you do with greater clarity and ease✔ Discover how to connect through words that resonate✔ Find the courage to share your purpose Join Speak Your Purpose – 5-Day Quickstart today, as the world needs to hear your message! Reserve your spot if you haven’t done so already and I’ll send you everything you need to get started. With Love & Light,Katja P.S.  Did I mention that I will also be giving away prizes to the participants? It will be inspiring and fun too – I promise! Join now:
m_Cherry Jeffs_MakeitHappen
Costa Women Meet ... Cherry Jeffs
Meet Cherry Jeffs – a mixed-media artist and creative practice coach, with a thing about wings! In her artist persona Cherry makes Artist’s Books which in her case are like a cross between origami and pop-up! And as a coach she helps people establish sustainable creative habits, develop their creative strengths and get their creative projects or businesses off the ground. Connect with Cherry and check out her work – How did your professional journey start? In terms of being an artist, I studied theatre design at Wimbledon School of Art, then I worked as a graphic designer, and then a jewellery designer-maker before eventually being stopped in my tracks by a repetitive strain injury and making the decision to finally do what I’d always wanted to do – which was make my own art. In that journey I overcame a lot of creative blocks until I eventually arrived where I am now – making work that feels totally natural and right for me. In terms of being a coach, that came in the second half of my life through a confluence of circumstances. Because of my own experiences, I wanted to find a way to help people overcome creative block so I’d been toying with the idea of creating courses. But recording myself talking to a video camera isn’t my favourite thing. I was teaching Yoga locally but my partner and I decided we wanted more freedom to move around,so I was letting that go. Then I got an email from a company called – I was a user of their habit-tracking app – asking me if I would like to become a coach. Within a week or two of giving my last Yoga class, I got my first client. A classic case of one door closes and another opens!     What does your inspiration come from? I suppose, ultimately, we’re all influenced by what we experience in our lives aren’t we?…I portray my life – and my creative journey – but in an allegorical or ‘symbolist’ way. I love magic realism literature and traditional folk tales…so my pieces are mini-stories. And I often don’t know how they end until I’m done! The different areas I’ve worked in add their own slants to the work – so from theatre I have stories, from jewellery I have my love of metallic colours, and from graphic design I have the precision of measuring so that things fold where they should, and so on. I also do get influenced by where I am physically – so when I’m in Spain, the colours are different from when I’m in the UK.   How do you approach roadblocks to creativity? With a lot of patience! I’m never truly blocked any more, only stalled at the incubation phase of creating which is frustrating but doesn’t induce despair. There’s a big difference. I’ve learned to wait it out. Once I feel like I can’t put any more fuel into the furnace, I just wait for my subconscious to start the fire. But I did plenty of due diligence in the creatively blocked stage. And I fought my way out of it, trying every technique that I could get my hands on. I remember once feeling so frustrated that I decided I would just sit down with a stack of blank paper and a pencil and draw until I stopped hating what I was doing. That worked! From that I learned that there is no thinking my way out of a creative block, I have to work through it in the art itself.   Who is your business role model and why? I’m a big fan of Alyson Stanfield. She wrote a book called “I’d rather be in the studio.” She was very early into the world of coaching artists in business skills and she’s very knowledgeable because she came from working in a big art museum. There must be thousands of artists out there that are indebted to Alyson’s insatiable sharing of useful approaches to being a professional artist. She’s a person with really strong values. That’s often hard to find in a world where there are so many here today, gone tomorrow gurus, with artificially inflated numbers of followers. Alyson knows her stuff and she has the track record to prove it.   Tell us about having a ‘regular creative practice’ and do share some top tips! So I used to think that to get over our creative blocks, that we needed to do some sort of psychological work which deconstructed how we got blocked in the first place. But I now see you can actually circumvent the necessity for that. You need to think of creating like training for a marathon. You don’t try to run a marathon on the first day. You build up to it really slowly. Day one, walk 5 mins, run one, walk 5, kind of thing. And you buy yourself a decent pair of shoes to entice you, and keep you comfortable. So my approach to creative practice is the same. Start with something so easy you can’t not do it – like put the lights on in your workspace. And commit to doing that x times a week at the same time. And gradually build up from there. Eventually a kind of muscle memory kicks in and you know it’s 10.30 a.m. and you should be at your desk or in your studio or wherever. And give yourself comfortable shoes – so work on something that feels so nice you almost feel guilty about it because it doesn’t feel like work. And do it in the way that feels the most natural to you. Forget all the ’shoulds’ because there aren’t any.  I really believe that when we love our process and we love what we’re creating, the blocks just sort of imperceptibly melt away. But regularity is key because it stops you feeling hung up on how successful you are today. There’s always tomorrow for another attempt.   Tell us about wings? Ha! I think the origin of the wings must be that when I was a kid I had a budgie. I must have felt instinctively that a bird shouldn’t be living in a cage! And I felt quite caged in myself because I was an only child and I didn’t have a lot of freedom. One day, after I’d been making art regularly for a few years, I realised that a ton of my work featured women either trying to take flight, or reaching upwards in some way. I’d developed this motif for myself quite unconsciously.  Then maybe 5 years later, I was going to attend a networking event in Granada and I was working on an elevator pitch. And it just came to me that ‘Grow creative wings’ was what I was trying to do, and what I wanted help others to do.   Favourite project creation tool and why? Ooh, difficult because I’m definitely a bit of a geek! At the top level, it’s probably Trello. My entire life is in Trello! I love it because I can add images to my projects. I’m a visual thinker and I just zone out when I see a long list of bulleted text. I’m much more motivated when I have an image in front of me. Right now I’m working on piece which has a wolf in it and I changed my Trello desktop to a wolf photo so it reminds me every day that this art project is my No.1 priority. I also like creating templates for repeating tasks so that I don’t need to re-invent the wheel each time, and Trello is good for that. Plus it’s on every device, so if I have an idea, I can capture it straight away.   What book did you read in 2018 which made a difference to your life and why? Can I have two?  The first was Jon Acuff’s “Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done” because it really helped me see for the first time that NOT finishing a projects is actually just warped perfectionism. If you don’t finish, it can’t be imperfect. I’d never thought about it in those terms. I used to be a serial starter but I’m much better at finishing these days and reading that book has pushed me up even a notch further, I think. As a bonus, the book is also funny which makes it a really easy read.   The second is a book by a fellow blogger/artist/designer Nela Dunato,called “The Human Centered Brand: A Practical Guide to Being Yourself in Business”. ( I was a beta reader for the book and it blew me away because it totally reorientated how I think about branding: Rather than it being something that you kind of superimpose on your company, instead it’s a filter through which you sieve your audience so that you’re left with only the people whom you resonate with, and who resonate with you. And the book is also brimming with practical exercises to help you develop the concept for your brand.   What is your superpower? It has to be flying, doesn’t it? I love helping others fulfill their potential and I’m constantly attempting to get closer to fulfilling mine.   What will you achieve in 2019? Probably less than is on the list! No, seriously, I’ve designated 2019 as “Year of the Product” I have a ton of content – both visual and written – but a lot of it isn’t for sale. This year is about turning the content into products and getting it all ‘out there’ bringing in extra income.         How can we best connect with you? If you’re in South Devon or the Granada region of Spain, send me a message and maybe we can have a coffee! Otherwise, where I’d most encourage you visit me is at my virtual home which is my website and blog at: I am – inevitably – also on social media:  
Death Process in Spain
Death process in Spain – what to do when someone dies All you need to know about dying abroad in Spain, death registration of an expat resident in Spain, the funeral process and celebrations of life. Funerals happen very fast in Spain. I remember speaking to a British person who sold funeral insurance here in Spain. A family member had died and within 48 hours the agent’s immediate family (the extended family never made it ) found themselves sitting in a cold crematorium building, with a Spanish Catholic minister delivering a eulogy in a language the agent couldn’t understand, about the agent’s loved one whom the minister knew nothing about, at a religious ceremony they did not believe in. And this was a funeral industry professional who thought they were prepared. The above story is not unusual. Funerals happen very fast in Spain. It is the law. The following quote is taken from the British Consul Spain, Bereavement Pack (link below) “ According to Spanish national law, the deceased must either be (1) preserved (maintained at low temperature) or (2) embalmed by a funeral director within 48 hours of the death. In the case of foreign nationals, funeral directors usually choose to embalm the deceased (as opposed to preservation) as this is a national legal requirement for transferring deceased persons out of Spanish territory.    Preservation of your loved one is expensive In the UK, storage and embalming of a deceased person is paid for by the state. Funerals happen often two or three weeks after the person has passed away, giving the family time to gather and prepare. This is not the case in Spain where storage of the deceased person is at the expense of the family. Most funeral plans and funeral insurances include storage of at least 24 hours, usually 48 hours (check your policy). If you do not have a policy or go beyond the time limit you will have to pay a daily rate for preservation of your loved one in a temperature controlled storage facility… and it is not cheap! Not only that, but after a specified time, the body must be embalmed. Coffins are compulsory Another notable difference between the UK and Spain is that coffins are compulsory, even if the deceased is to be cremated they must be in a coffin. And no, coffins are not recycled, the coffin is cremated as well! Your choice of coffins is also currently limited in Spain in that eco-friendly options such as willow caskets are not widely available, if at all in some areas. Most “burials” are above ground in a niche. You can buy a family niche in perpetuity but it is very common in Spain to rent the niche for a period of about ten years, after that time your loved ones remains are moved to a common grave. Check with your funeral director what is included in your policy. 48 hours may be too soon As a Civil Celebrant I, or one of my funeral celebrant colleagues can work with you to craft a suitable funeral service or Celebration of Life ceremony within that short time frame from death to burial or cremation.  We have supported bereaved families by writing some very meaningful and beautiful ceremonies with very little preparation. You must TELL YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR if this is what you wish to do, otherwise a local Spanish minister may be allocated to you. Understandably however, you may feel that 48 hours is too soon to prepare a funeral service or celebration of life ceremony and indeed for family and friends to get over to Spain to pay their final respects. In this instance my advice is to agree for your loved one to be cremated within the free storage time period offered to you by your funeral director, and keep the ashes until everyone is ready to say their goodbyes. Celebration of Life You may decide that you prefer a secular, humanist or civil ceremony (they are all very similar). In which case TELL YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR. They should have allocated a portion of your funeral plan fund towards a minister, but that money can go towards a priest of a different religion if available, or a civil celebrant. Note that not all plans include payment for a minister and you may have to contribute extra to cover any shortfall. In my particular case, I will attend the crematorium 1) out of respect for your loved one and 2) to register with the funeral director as the paid minister (otherwise you lose any payment allocation). At a later date, when you are ready, I will perform the Celebration of Life ceremony to scatter the ashes at the location of your choice. Be Ready – have THAT conversation In my opinion, the best solution by far is to think about your death whilst you are still fit and well. Be Ready. Have the conversation. Write down your wishes. Write a will. Register an Advanced Medical Care Directive. And if you would like to, give me a call and we can sit down together and draft your funeral script together – with your most loved readings, favourite songs and you can even leave a final gift to your loved ones of special messages to them in your own words. Read my earlier blog for full details  “Let’s Talk Funerals. Having THAT conversation” Death registration With regard to death registration, whether you are on holiday in Spain or you are resident in Spain it must always happen in the country where the person died – so if you die in Spain, your death must be registered in Spain. Note that you can additionally register a death with the British Registration Service at a cost of £150. They also offer a “Tell Us Once” service to cancel passports, government pensions and driving licences with one notification Death whilst on holiday in Spain If you die whilst on holiday in Spain your travel insurance company should be contacted for advice on repatriation. Your consulate can also advise. Click for free download: The British Consul Bereavement Information for Spain Death of an expatriate with Spanish residency If you live permanently in Spain and have what is known as “residencia” you should consider a funeral plan with – a funeral director (usually cheaper but limits you to that specific funeral director) – an insurance company (usually more expensive but operates within a wider radius should you move house) Many people prefer not to have a funeral plan. They think that to contact a funeral director directly at the time of need is the best, but remember it can be a very distressing time and the cost may actually be more expensive than buying a plan as in a case of supply and demand. You can go to the Gov.UK web site for information regarding What To Do After Someone Dies Abroad: Advance life care options and organ donation You can write a “living will” in Spain to record your wishes regarding advance life-care and organ donation. The document is available from the Junta de Andalucia and is called the REGISTRO DE VOLUNTADES VITALES ANTICIPADAS (VVA) it is accessible from your medical records. Go to the Guide to Make Your Directive and click on the Advance Health Care picture to download a free PDF guide in English. Note that the actual VVA form is in Spanish and must be completed in Spanish.General advice is to take advice from your doctor and discuss your wishes with your loved ones before completing your Advanced Health Care Directive and nominating your representative.  Note that your nominated representative is responsible for making decisions for your advanced health care when you cannot and if they are not a family member, their decision will override any wishes from family. You can complete the majority of your Directive online however the final step requires an appointment with the Andalucian Registry of Health Care Directives for you to finalise the process.    Author of this blog: Debbie Skyrme is a former UK Deputy Superintendent Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages who offers English speaking civil ceremonies in southern Spain    tlf: 698691582 Facebook: CelebrantSpain Instagram: CelebrantSpain
Getting Married in Gibraltar
So just how do you get married in Gibraltar? Gibraltar is a spit of land off mainland Spain. It is not an island. You can walk or drive across the border very easily. Once you are there, very bizarrely you are surrounded by all things British.  In fact Gibraltar is still a British Overseas Territory, making it really easy for couples wanting a Wedding Ceremony in Spain to also legally contract their marriage which is recognised under British law. So here is all the info you need to Contract your Marriage in Gibraltar (do the legal bit) then Celebrate your Wedding in Spain (the fun bit where the memories are made). You will just need to factor in an overnight stop on Gibraltar and bring the correct documents….. read on!   The Gibraltan Civil Status and Registration Office is very happy to correspond with you by email to organise your paperwork to get married or to contract your Civil Partnership. Documents you need to get married on Gibraltar The documents you will need to get married in Gibraltar are listed in the Marriages and Civil Partnerships Guidance Notes and Booking Form which you can download for free here You will need to prove your residency, your civil status (single, divorced etc) and any previous names, so documents you are likely to be asked for include: passports; birth or adoption certificates and previous marriage or civil partnership certificates.  If arranging your marriage by email, save a copy of all of your documents in PDF format and send them to the register office in Gibraltar in ONE email with your completed Booking Form (see  link above). The register office will then offer you an appointment for your ceremony. Doddle! If any documents are not in English, they will need to be translated by one of the official translators on Gibraltar. Click here for a list of translators listed with the Gibraltar law courts .  I have found Karl H Grambow, Commissioner for Oaths, to be particularly helpful and offers free advice by email     When you have your appointment to get married in Gibraltar A few things to remember when you have your appointment to contract your marriage in Gibraltar: – Take your ORIGINAL documents with you, not the PDFs! – You must present your documents to the registrar by no earlier than 3 months before your appointed date and by no later than 10:30h of the working day before the ceremony. – You must present proof of your overnight stay in Gibraltar – You will need two witnesses – You will need affidavits to obtain the Special Marriage Licence (contact Karl H Grambow above, his office is just two minutes on foot from the register office) Getting to Gibraltar Getting to Gibraltar from Malaga international airport or any main town on the Costa del Sol is easily done by bus…. or at least you can take a bus to the Spanish side, known as La Linea. Alternatively, you can fly direct to Gibraltar. Getting to Gibraltar by car is easy too. Drive as close as you can to the border and park at Parking Santa Barbara then just walk over the border. Once on the Gibraltan side you can take a bus or a taxi to the town centre. A taxi currently costs you about five GBP at time of writing. Top tip: remember the currency is pounds not euros BUT whilst you can spend your British coinage,  Gibraltan coins are NOT legal tender back in the UK! You can drive over the border in your car too – but avoid peak times to avoid long queues. Whilst there are a number of public car parks, parking can be limited during the height of summer and at national holidays. Top tip: even though you are technically on British soil, you drive on the right in Gibraltar! Staying on Gibraltar “Visit Gibraltar” is the national tourist office. Click here to link to their web site with suggestions of what to do and where to stay on The Rock. Remember that you need to produce evidence of at least one night’s stay before you can contract your marriage or civil partnership. The Bristol Hotel is probably the nearest to the register office itself.   Contract your Marriage then Celebrate your Wedding Congratulations! Now you have contracted your marriage or civil partnership on Gibraltar you can truly enjoy making memories with your perfect Wedding Ceremony back on the Spanish mainland in the Andalucian sunshine! Contact me to craft your symbolic Wedding, Elopement or Civil Partnership ceremony in the location of your dreams with the wording written especially for you. I am Debbie Skyrme. I am Celebrant Spain. I only ever celebrate one wedding…. yours!                  Telephone/whatsapp 0034 698691582    
What If... It's True?
  What if… it is true that your body and mind is naturally transmuting… that your biology, hereditary and your dense carbon based body/mind is being replaced with a crystalline structure of pure vibrant love and light… that allows the DivineHuman, the Master and Creator experience a new adventure of harmony on the Earth plane?   Through the ages we have seen how Human Revolution and Evolution has changed Humankind… physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We have indeed become smarter, kinder and more generous… we have advanced our technology, our living standards and live longer… but we still continue to live in conflict and fear and our world finds itself in extreme polarisation and on the cutting edge of annihilation.   As a society we still sense the need to survive, to work hard and be the best to ensure we get ahead and have our share of limited wealth. We allow our leaders to steal from us and kill us one way or another, keeping us in limited and absurd circumstances.   AND, so many of us still believe we can fix and change our life for the better? Even when it is so evident to how we are destroying ourselves…   Big and powerful food companies supply us with cheap and nasty food… that is killing us with the amount of sugar and salt, unbalancing our body/mind AND they get away without paying there contribution of tax. The medical and pharmaceutical companies still treat us as if we are mechanical bodies/minds that need to be fixed with chemicals. We spray our agricultural fields with harmful chemicals. We pay our sports and actor celebrities a lot of money, who mostly spend it unwisely and are a nuisance and bad influence. Our tax money mostly funds beurocratic systems, greedy lifestyles of powerful politicians and criminals, and defence. We build more and more concrete buildings on our green areas, kill our natural wildlife and poison our Environment with chemicals. More and more rules and regulations are made, in the guise to be safe and protect us, which puts everyone under pressure and squeezes our freedom. We teach our children to be competitive and ruthless and wonder why they become physically and mentally ill at a young age.   Only when each person senses and realises for themself that where there is separation in life, there will always be conflict. Yes, we can all experience glimpses of pleasure and success, but someone will always find a way to put a stop to it or another will be suffering because of it.   One has then to wonder what we have all created together and what the answer might be.   Pointing the finger isn’t going to help as we have all allowed this to happen. We’ve all taken advantage of others and allowed others to take advantage of us. We’ve all used each other for our own needs, making others powerless, miserable, ill and lazy.   Taking responsibility for our part in this whole mess and chaos that surrounds us and a willingness to discover what we each have to do is a great starting point.   We can choose to be one of many who continue to wallow in or turn a blind eye to the world’s misery… but we can also choose to be one of many hearts who are waking up to realise the state of affairs of our dual world or physical reality. Allow our awareness, our consciousness to expand and trust the love we each truly are in our core to attract in new energy to serve the Evolution of Humanity.   Maybe Evolution isn’t the correct word to describe what is naturally happening on Earth and within all living creatures and nature… as our dense energies of survival, fear and lack are energetically and physically transmuting to a high energy of love, abundance and freedom… in preparation for the birth of a new DivineHuman species.   It is the light of our solar, galactic and grand suns that are naturally changing our carbon based body/mind into one of crystalline based that allows each light body to expand within, settle deeper into the physical body and re-write our biology, hereditary and the old workings of the Human Body/Mind.   The more we allow the new energies in, we undergo, quite literally a big clean up of our Human density and untruths of fear and old programmes and beliefs in lack and unworthiness… that makes space for our light, for our original blueprint that includes our 12 dna strands (that the science community labelled junk) to come back online and replace the physical 2 dna strands that kept Humanity in the dark for so long.   There is nothing we can do but allow what is naturally happening. Stay alert and aware of everything that plays out in life, with no judgement or doubt, only acknowledge and embrace our fears of the past that project into the future that are coming up now for release, and focus on the love and joyful beings of light we have always been and who now have an opportunity to be the experience of harmony on Earth in a most natural, sovereign and rejuvenating way.   We might feel alone as our life changes; as old relationships, home, friends, jobs break down… but we can best remember we have never been alone… we are never alone as our own divinity, source of all is lovingly anchored within us and will guide us, if the Human lets go and trusts themself to be part of a new and wonderful adventure… beyond anything known. Our spiritual family, angels, elementals, guides, ascended masters have all lovingly remained close to us, communicating with us from the unseen world, but as we remember our own powerful and magnificent selves and move into this new space, this new adventure of Embodied Enlightenment that has never been experienced before on Earth, we have to realise they can only embrace and observe us, otherwise they disempower us and hold us back from this new experience. It is up to us to march beyond and be the new standard, for others to eagerly follow.   In fact many of our spiritual family are choosing to embody the physical themselves… so don’t be surprised if you feel close to more and more Divine brothers and sisters who come across your path.   It is time for a new multidimensional adventure! It is time to empower and honour ourselves and one another! Are you choosing to join me and celebrate this great happening?   Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreatorInspiring New Energy Consciousness & MultiDimensional Living A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple.  I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond. Join my MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role as energy pioneer birthing NewEarth. It is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class   All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit association The Magnificent Consciousness that holds free local projects in Benalmadena, Spain.  A ‘Creative Art Project’, Inspiring our young ones… to explore, discover and express life and their part in it ALL and a ‘RelaxANDTalk group’ to support and inspire people to balance BodyMindSpirit.
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