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Pound slides amid gloomy UK outlook
The past couple of weeks have been characterised by a downbeat market mood, which has been particularly painful for the pound.
Maria Estela
Costa Women Meet ... María Estela Fernandez de Córdova
"It’s never is too late to start again. Trust in yourself" is the mantra of our featured member, Estela. Maria Estela Fernandez de Cordova has found her heart on the Costa del Sol.  With a rich family...
Joan smaller
Costa Women Meet Joan Trench
A lover of golf and helping people on their grief journey fills the days for Joan Trench. She believes that our response is the potential for our growth and freedom. Read her story.
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Fluctuating central bank expectations stoke currency volatility
We witnessed some notable swings in the currency market over the past couple of weeks, as investors revised interest rate expectations for the Bank of England (BoE), European Central Bank (ECB) and Federal...
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Costa Women meet Shirley Hunt
A big life change happened for Shirley Hunt when she lost her husband. And that triggered a move to Mallorca.  Read her story.
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