Costa Women Blogs

Magnificent Guest Blogger/Author Feature 2018... Consciousness
    This is an invitation to all my Divine and Passionate Brothers & Sisters who love to write…. to feature as my Magnificent Guest Blogger/Author 2018. Not only is it an opportunity...
Here We Go
So, we’ve decided to move out for the UK to Spain. Health issues, lack of sun and urge to learn new language. Now boxes are half packed, transport is organised and in a week time we’ll be in...
Bring Fido!
Will it be easy bringing your BFF overseas? NOPE. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. I am here to give you step by step instructions on how to take your fluffy companion from the USA to...
Inspiration to make and reach your goal this New Year!
Create goals that you WILL achieve! Learn HOW. ·         What will you be doing in 10 years? ·         Where...
Abundance begins with a WISH...
  The colourful sky was Mother Earth’s last gift as we prepared to leave our experiences of 2017 behind AND walk with open hearts and senses into a new year… welcoming in the NEW and...
Welcome Home?!
NEW YEAR! NEW MAN! NEW LIFE! NEW BLOG! Hmmm… New Year – definitely – welcome 2018! New man – definitely – met dog walking; shared a cabin on a ship in Norway for 16 days;...
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