Costa Women Blogs

Women Wellness - To Planner with a 2017 Planner
There is a lot of emphasis at this time of the year to get yourself together and make some New Year´s resolutions, but there is a time and place for everything. As mature women we know our downfalls,...
NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION – A little work of fiction that many of us will relate to after the holiday excesses! It has been three days since chocolate has passed my lips. Three long, miserable...
Girl Power Needed - Can you help?
    Hello Costa Women, I hope that you have had a great Christmas Break and are looking forward to a fabulous start to 2017 2016 was a bit ´meh´ and I´m glad its over myself....
On Mindfulness
I was not taught to indulge my wants. Contrary, I was taught to control them. There was something wrong with the very notion of having a desire. There was something frivolous and egoistic in it. The real...
Women Wellness - Festive Season
At this time of the year it can be very difficult for women with hormonal issues, mainly because there is so much rich food and alcohol around. This doesn´t mean you can´t join in the spirit...
Bravo for EU consumer protection re: abusive mortgage clause
Bravo European consumer protection! Success for mortgage holders Have you applied for compensation for abusive clauses in your Spanish mortgage? If not, why not? The extent and scale of the abuses carried...
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