Costa Women Blogs

Choose Love
Christmas is a time to re-connect with loved ones. It is the one time of year when we have an excuse to show love. This can be through the giving of gifts, sharing of heart-felt sentiments, enjoying each...
On Mindfulness
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of night absorbed in thinking. My mind is galloping like a herd of horses and a thunder of their hooves wakes me up. To get back to sleep I have to calm down this gallop,...
What a FUN and EXCITING year it's been...
    PEACE It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart… (Unknown) What a difference...
On Mindfulness
EGO-the black sheep of human existence; we burden it with so many sins. But I need my Ego. It gives me a distinct sense of myself. It helps me to decide what to buy for dinner and what hairstyle to wear....
On Mindfulness
When I meditate I don’t go anywhere; I don’t “leave” my body and move to some fancy world of blissful happiness following a fairy-tale stories of my mind. Contrary I stay here, as close as possible to...
On Mindfulness
Mindfulness has taught me a game called “I don’t know”. The point of it is to see objects without engaging thinking. It goes like that: I can see a common sparrow on my balcony. My mind is immediately...
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