Costa Women Blogs

What do we really want...
One big question that we all share at some point in our life is ‘what do we really want?’and I’m sure you’ll agree that we want security, love, health, abundance, money, more sleep, joy and happiness… but this leads to another question, ‘who’s going to give us this?’  and I’m sure that we all realise by now that no one can give us anything… unless we are willing to conform to their ideas and ways… So it just leaves our self!  ‘but how do we give our self these things?’  The human mind certainly hasn’t managed to come up with an answer yet… But maybe… expanding beyond our mind, beyond our thinking, lies an answer…  When we allow ourselves to relax and be still in the present moment, during meditation or absorbed in a creative art, something we enjoy to do… we tap into another space and experience a sense of peace, harmony and overwhelming passion…  This is our human spirit and soul… an energy of pure love, our core passion, where we know instinctively that ‘everything is OK, everything is perfect just as it is’… Our spirit and soul has always been with us, just beyond our physical and busy human life… waiting patiently for us to rekindle our relationship and together live in an unlimited and loving way…   To help explain expanding beyond… I’d like to introduce you to the tube (that lies inside a role of wrapping paper)… The inner tube represents our life… our society, mass consciousness, karma and ancestors… It is linear, drab and uninspiring… Our human reality is full of predictions, prophecies, traditions, beliefs, patterns, routines etc.  We have adapted our self to living with limited thoughts, limited imagination and limited ideas, never really realizing that there might be a beautiful world, a beautiful gift outside of what we know…  Our life, inside the tube has become our comfort zone and keeps us in the illusion that ‘This is it!’ We stay in the tube… because of time and space, our 3D consciousness and belief systems… In order to expand out of the tube we have to release time and space, our absolute physical reality, our comfort zone and believes… Not to destroy them or deny them, but release the tight grip it has on our life…To allow our self to go out and explore beyond what we know… It’s a tough challenge; our physical reality is very dense.  We are all tightly woven into a fearful, limited and controlled society. We even FEAR the unknown… We are not talking about remaining inside or outside ‘the tube’ indefinitely… it’s about allowing our self to choose in each moment where we want to be, what we want to do and how we want to live our life. Both realities can be fun…  It’s about allowing the tube, our reality, to dissolve for a moment and have an extraordinary experience… Going beyond, exploring the unknown and bringing in our potentials is what living in the New Energy Consciousness is all about.  We create for ourself a safe, quiet and relaxed environment… exploring the depths of ourself, reconnecting with our core passion and rise above the limited and fearful humanness and comfort zone…. There is no method (methods and ways belong to the limited human being), we just allow ourself to be what individually suits us in each conscious moment… I’d like to introduce you to a  Dreamwalk with Ormus, a dreamwalk of expansion and experience going beyond the mind and into the unknown…  It is a meditation, a quiet time for you to relax and focus on yourself… (this link will take you to my website where you can listen to this dreamwalk)  Make sure you’re sitting comfortably and gently close your eyes…. Breathe deeply and calmly in and out… in and out… feel your tummy pushing out during each breath… be aware of your feet firmly on the ground… Imagine tiny branches growing out from the soles of your feet and rooting down into the earth… anchoring you, supporting you… Breathe in and out, deeply and calmly… be aware of the air passing in and out of your nostrils as you breathe… Imagine that you are breathing in tiny atoms of light energy… that are slowly filling up your whole body… Breathing in and out… imagine all your cells dancing and bathing in the light… and feel your whole body beginning to vibrate into aliveness… Feel the energy inside your body moving… And when you breathe out, imagine all your tension, toxins and everything that no longer serves you… leaving your body, going back into a neutral territory…  Breathe in and out… and feel your body relaxing more… Now imagine yourself inside the tube, your physical reality, a time and space and believe system that you have allowed yourself to live in for so long… feel the energy inside the tube… no need for judgement, just feel and observe… Breathing in and out… Just Feel… Slowly the tube starts to dissolve around you, you feel much lighter…. So light… and your body begins to float up into the skies… You glide through the air, like a fluffy cloud… You feel absolutely safe and trust yourself implicitly.  You are exploring endless space, endless nothingness… a space where your human spirit and soul soars in and out of uncharted territory in total freedom… You have no words to describe how you feel, you totally indulge in this experience… You feel overwhelmed with LOVE and you know that you are ONE with your spirit and soul… You feel passion at your core… at peace, totally safe and joyous… You look down and see many lights shining brightly from below… from your home… Earth… You know that these are all your friends celebrating all over the globe… this day… all sharing the same grand vision of unity and together co-creating a loving and peaceful earth… You feel immensely proud of being a part of such a global happening… You know you are making a difference, just being your amazing self, lighting up the world around you… Slowly you begin to float back down to earth, into your chair… you become aware of your physical body, your feet firmly on the floor.  You bring with you a new sense of timeless infinite reality… You are aware now that you can experience both or either realities whenever you want to.  You feel at one, whole… body, mind and spirit… Take a few deep breathes, in and out, feel calm and inspired… and slowly open your eyes… Namaste…  A greeting and acknowledgment from one soul to another… Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness… I am proud to be part of the crimson circle, a fellow Shambra… awakened human beings, having realized their own divinity and strive to embody it in their lives by being conscious creators and integrating all aspects of themselves…  At the moment Adamus Saint-Germain teaches and guides the Crimson Circle on our journey into the New Energy Consciousness… he is a great fun loving ascended master and teacher of sovereign domain… Each week I host a crimson circle group…’ Circle of Potential’ where fellow awakening humans join together to support each other and share experiences living in the New Energy Consciousness…
A WOMAN Awakens
Something inside me stirred, it had been a long and arduous road…experiencing the calm, the drive, the dark, the light, the pain, the love, the sadness and the peace… And like a bolt of thunder and strike of lightning, I brought myself to this moment, and knew with all my being…I was the dance, the union and coming together of the two extremes… In each moment I could choose to celebrate, to cooperate and playfully create a life so longed for…something inside me stirred, the energies had found each other and wonder exploded… I AM both the inner and outer, the inspiration and creator, the nurturer and builder…Will you join me in your new awakened state to follow your dreams, create your desires and live together in a peaceful and loving earth.. right here…NOW… ©Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness… 
Have you ever wondered...
Have you ever wondered how different your life might be if you and all society had been brought up with the truth that you were ‘born a Masterpiece’?  A unique and magnificent being, growing up gracefully with all the elements of our natural world, sharing your innocence and qualities with others in spontaneous moments, experiencing the delights and beauty around you and creating whatever filled you with passion and joy … Have you ever wondered what life would be like if everyone was responsible for their actions and cared for themselves first and each other in an unconditional loving way, knowing that the only purpose to life was to enjoy, indulge and be in each moment… Have you ever dared imagine everyone living and working together in cooperation and harmony, everyone understanding… after so many years of duality… there is no more need to fight, to judge, to doubt and be afraid… we are indeed all equal and there is enough of everything for everyone to share… Earth and humanity is evolving and human angels around the globe continue to hold a new vision of our NEW EARTH… It is not too late, 2013 is a great year to choose change, to choose to embrace your unique and magnificent being… to awaken to your sacredness… being both human and divine… and live passionately and creatively in the New Energy Consciousness… (I came across the above painting on the web, originally from kguernica’s gallery… They have created there own blog showing the beautiful peace murals the kids are creating together…Kids Guernica...  I thought this painting shows ‘a peaceful vision of our new earth’ that we can all create together…) Barbara Franken…Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…  
Are You Answering your Calling?
Are You Answering your Calling?   Look around you, now look inward.  Are you doing what you are meant to do?  Are you happy in and with your surroundings?  Is there something you think you would be better off doing? Do you find yourself having frequent inner dialogues full of complaints or full of “I’d rather be ____________.” Guess what happens when what you are supposed to be doing, you are NOT? Imagine for a moment, that the little voice inside of you has been put on ignore? For another nanosecond of your time, you know that deep down you need to fulfill your life’s calling, and yet, for some reason, you’re in the middle of putting your calling towards the back burner.  This many not necessarily be through any fault of yours, but yet, you still have your FREE WILL to act upon it. What are you supposed to do? The good news, you are NOT alone on this one.  The better news is, that if you are aware of all the internal dialogue, there’s still time for you to do something about.  The NOT so good news is that now that you’ve raised awareness, and know the discomfort of not answering your calling, that means YOU have to do something about it and fast.  It really is entirely up to YOU!  But wait, how can this not be good news?  Well, it actually is. Think of the empowering position you put yourself into.  YOU are in charge; you are the creator of your present and your future, and you, and ONLY you, command what’s yet to come. CONSIDER: ·         How often do you feel out of sorts? ·         Are you complaining more than usual about not liking what you’re doing. ·         Are you finding fault on a lot of minor things? ·         Do you blame others for what’s happening? ·         Do you feel like you’re getting father and father away from what you wanted to do? ·         Are doable goals not getting attained? ·         Do you feel perplexed as to why things are not going your way? It is very difficult to find joy in your daily doings, when your true calling has not been answered.  It will nag at you fast and furious, even if at times, the voice seems to be getting quieter and quieter.  Don’t be fooled by it.  It has its own volume control, and it will rise even louder next time around. OPTIONS: ·         Time-Out!  Yes, give yourself some time-out. ·         Use this time wisely. ·         It is meant for you to dig deeper on your real life’s purpose.  To really figure out what that persistent little voice is trying to tell you. ·         Analyze with objectivity the things that really make you happy. ·         Go back to early childhood and contemplate those things you did, that brought joy and happiness into your life, and that of others. ·         Observe with full intent, your true talents.  Do not focus on your weaknesses. ·         Get a coach, a mentor, a trusted confidant to help you assess the true meaning of your life’s path, and the journey that awaits you. ACTION PLAN: ·         Make a list of the things that are NOT fulfilling to you. ·         Make a list of the things that make you very happy. ·         Write about the What and the Why on “both” lists. ·         Be honest about what really hurts you. ·         ASK:  What are the advantages of staying the same? ·         ASK:  What will happen if you finally answer your calling? ·         Talk with your coach, mentor or confidant about the many more options open to you depending on how much you want to exercise your free will, and the greatness of your talents.  A measuring stick for your level of satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction also an important tool. ·         Get ready to start implementing your changes! As you discover more about yourself and your very unique path to fulfill your calling,  you will cry and you will laugh.  You will be confused, and then you will be very clear.  You will be saddened; you will also be very joyous.  It will be an emotional roller-coaster, but only for a very brief period of time.  Once the implementation of changes begin to take root, you will be the happy person that all along you were meant to be, and suddenly, you’ll have what you deserve, and then some. Key to happiness:  Always Be GRATEFUL! Congratulations on your smart decision to finally answer your calling! And as a Coach, I’d be honored to help you during this very unique journey.
Stem cell Healing with Laminine
Laminine, nicknamed The Pill of Life is a 100% Natural Super Food to give your stem cells nutrition to rebuild and rejuvenate themselves, reducing the signs of ageing and making you look and feel younger, improve stamina, strength and overall sense of well-being. There are many benefits but some include: raise serotonin levels ie be happier, reduce signs of ageing, promote restful sleep, lower blood sugar levels naturally, reduce pain, reduce blood pressure, repair aching muscles and joints, increase energy and improve overall well being.  For the past four years I have experienced excruciating pain on every movement, loss of sleep due to pain waking me up and very reduced mobility. All conventional medicine could offer after every scan known to man was increasing amounts of analgesics with the inherent side effects. As a retired RGN I had always been a sceptic regarding alternative therapys and medications. However, I was at breaking point, had nothing to lose and was willing to overcome my sceptism. After two weeks, without being aware of feeling much improved and having more mobility, I found myself decorating a bedroom!! I had no ill effects afterwards and continue to improve. Recently three members of my family have visited me and all are astounded at my improvement. Indeed they say this is the best they have seen me for a very long time. Sincerely Suzanne P For more information and to find out how laminine can help you contact and/or go to  Good Health Clare
Osteoarthritis and Acupuncture
Osteoarthritis is, as anyone who has this condition, will know, extremely painful, and debilitating. From a biomedical standpoint it affects the cartilage and other parts of the body’s joints; mainly the knee and hip. The condition is characterised by short or extended episodes of significant pain and loss of function, that is often accompanied by inflammation. The treatments which western medicine have developed to treat osteoarthritis range from various pain relief and steroid preparations to joint replacement. Acupuncture, on the other hand, is based on the principles underlying traditional Chinese medicine theory. It may, as a stand alone treatment or in combination with western medical treatment, help relieve pain and improve movement for patients suffering from osteoarthritis. The purpose of this piece is to give a short introduction to how acupuncture treatment may achieve this. Acupuncture has, as an underlying principle a holistic approach to health, and it recognises that we are all closely connected with nature and the earth. From a scientific point of view we are composed of the same fundamental constituents that are found in all life, and the earth; and we are also subject to the same cycles that exist in nature. Another important concept underpinning acupuncture and Chinese medicine is that of qi or vital energy. Symptoms or conditions such as osteoarthritis are thought, from the standpoint of Chinese medicine to arise from imbalances in the body’s qi. Acupuncture seeks to treat the person as a whole rather than the specific symptom in isolation. This is achieved by correcting the imbalances in the flow of qi, which are diagnosed through taking a detailed medical history, examination of the tongue coating and reading the pulses at the wrist. The treatment is carried out by the insertion of very fine needles into specific points, mainly on the arms and legs. An important aim of treatment is also to improve the harmony of the body’s natural cycles so that they are more synchronised with the cycles occurring in nature; and in this way help maintain health. If you would like more information about acupuncture in the Costa del Sol area please visit or by email at In addition, there is interesting information on the British Acupuncture Council website and Arthritis research UK also has lots of helpful information
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