Costa Women Blogs

The Story of The Princess and The Malt Loaf
This afternoon, after a long but fascinating day of reading and researching into the relationship that humans have with their food, I was suddenly reminded of how fragile the equilibrium we have created...
Avoiding and Getting Through the Red Tape in Spain
Hi Everyone Well, the time had to come when I ventured into the world of Blogging!  This is my first attempt so apologies if it’s not up to scratch.   In my experience of living in Spain over the...
Brace brace... flight instruction or result of thumb-sucking?
We’re on the point of spending upwards of 2000€ to tweak 10 year old son’s teeth back into shape. Don’t ask me why he’s missing a tooth – totally missing, you understand,...
It Takes Two To Tango! The Power of Collaboration
Have you ever seen or participated in doing the Tango?  If you have, you will know that it is one of the most beautiful dances ever.  It is sensuous, graceful, harmonious, intricate, physical, calculated...
How To Live Happily Every After: A Valentine’s Day Special
It’s February and with Valentine’s Day just around the corner – love is in the air. But is it possible to live happily ever after, or is that just a fairy tale? For me the answer is a very definite...
Mind Control - for peace, happiness and freedom.
Thoughts change brain chemistry. Our thoughts affect our neurotransmitters on a daily basis. For example, if we walk past an aggressive barking dog, we think “threat”, and the brain releases norepinephrine....
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