Costa Women Blogs

Is exposure to cell phone radiation really dangerous to your health?
The telecommunications industry has claimed for years that cell phone usage is safe and cell phones on the market today operate well within safety standards. But… On May 31, 2011 the World Health Organization...
new year brings on changes
Well ladies after a long break from my normal field of work and a change of carrier that was not ideal to say the list. One has to try new things to be able to expand knowledge. I am going to be back in...
Are You Fully, Self-Expressed?
What a closing to 2012, uh?  First it was the end of the world on December 21st (Whew!)…then, it was the Fiscal Cliff by December 31st (another Whew!) And in between all this madness, smart shoppers took...
Marbella: luxury lifestyle leader
Number 13 may be unlucky for some, but it’s fortuitous for the Costa del Sol.   Starting a year which can only get better, reports of rich Russians shopping for luxury products and property were a great...
Are You Broken Yet?
It’s January, the month of broken resolutions. Why do we do it? Why, every January 1st do we decide that this year is the year that we will finally achieve our weight loss goals and become the person we...
Adios Horatio
I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for a week or so but I wasn’t sure where I wanted to publish it. I did know, however, that I had to publish it, if it was to do me any good at all....
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