Costa Women Blogs

Is it Time for Reinvention?
As expats we have probably done our fair share of reinvention – living in a completely new country, surrounded by new sights, sounds and smells, new language(s), culture and even food that can bring about...
Another year passes whilst another flows in..
This year has not been the best for me, especially not since the latter part of the year, but still life goes on and we deal with everything that falls in our path the best way we know how. This year I...
In Praise of Brussels Sprouts
When Kermit sang “It’s not easy being green,” Brussels sprouts the world over identified with his predicament. Because sprouts, like frogs, have had a bad rap. They are the most unappreciated food crop...
Take the Stress Out of the Holidays !
Take the Stress Out of the Holidays With Y-age Aeon! The holidays are wonderful, but can also be hectic. It can be so easy to get wrapped up with all the decorating, family visits, gift shopping, hosting...
The Cava Queen, Jaguar and the Freixenet Fairy...
Last week I did the most random book signing at the Jaguar plant in Birmingham – I thought it was going to be easy to get a few of the 2500 men who work there to part with £7.99 for a stocking filler...
State vs Church
Yes it’s 2012 and most of us, have stood up for CHANGE in some form or another during the last 2 thousand years… We have said NO to discrimination.. colour, race, age, male/female and sexual...
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