Chocolate Eating Meditation?!? Is such a thing as a chocolate eating meditation even possible, I hear you ask. Isn’t meditation supposed to be all about sitting in weird and uncomfortable positions,...
In the past I’ve spent some time commenting on the fact that if we look too much to the past: either to its pain or its perceived happiness and glory, we risk becoming caught in a loop that will...
Constant stress leads to tension. You start feeling unwell, because disharmony manifests in thoughts and feelings, as well as in the body, in posture, and even in the organs. Equilibrium, well-being and...
Do you view Multi-Tasking as a good thing? Do you think that if you don’t do it all, it won’t get done correctly? Worse yet, it won’t get done at all? If you say “yes” to one or all questions, let me tell...
The past few weeks have been busy and productive. A company called organsied a virtual concert for me on Miami Beach to promote my music, as the world seems to be crazy about virtual reality...
Thoughts Become Things The wonderful thing about being human beings is we never give up trying, despite the economic and personal challenges many people are going through, we can all get together and...