I came across an interesting story about ‘The Formation of Power’ quite a long time ago now but with all the uprising and discussion today about equality and recognising what lives matter!...
I remember a time when my mum would say we were living in a “throwaway society”! Of course, she was talking about clothes when we would buy new instead of receiving “hand me downs”...
31 years ago, I was on holiday with my boyfriend when we saw it on the news! It was shocking, unbelievable and extremely upsetting! Why was this allowed to happen? Today, 3rd June 2020 is World...
Scared of leaving your day job because you’re scared of the unknown. Here’s HOW you can CREATE YOUR FUTURE. ENJOY https://youtu.be/rL8sVnk39zY\u2728 Watch it on YouTube to find...
And yes, I am including our current pandemic of Covid 19 in that question. While we still learning daily about Covid 19, one of the most interesting things is that some people are completely asymptomatic,...
We asked and you nominated! We decided to launch a new initiative – ‘Costa Woman of the Month’ for June to celebrate and raise awareness of the work, support, encouragement, ideas and/or...