Something tells me that from time to time you get this nagging little voice inside your head that tells you you’re a fraud. And it probably throws in a few little tidbits about why you can’t possibly do...
Suddenly we are in a Lockdown and the whole of Spain has to stay at home. We are not allowed to leave our houses unless it is an essential trip to the supermarket, pharmacy or to walk your dog. After the...
In the past, I’ve spent plenty of time in the dead space of lack of confidence and clarity and I know I’m not alone. Maybe you can relate… You’re finally ready to pursue that lingering...
#LivingInLockdown Day 27 – Saturday 11th April One of the posts doing the rounds on social media at the moment is the question ‘what have learned about yourself during this lockdown?’...
#LivingInLockdown Day 26 – Friday 10th April This week marks a momentous occasion. I used my oven for the first time since moving to Spain. Yes, you heard me correctly, I haven’t used...
PASSOVER 2020 will begin on the evening of Wednesday, April 8 and ends on the evening of Thursday, April 16. LIVING LESSONS from the PASSOVER STORY From the book Leaves from the Olive Tree – Dr....