Coming Home It came in fast and furiousaffecting people with symptoms of the common coldAND to some whos body & mindwas weak, stressed and compromiseddis-ease festered inmiracles happenedbut...
If you’re feeling lonely, does it mean you must force yourself to go out and be with people. NOPE! The opposite of loneliness is NOT being surrounded with people. The opposite of loneliness is feeling...
#LivingInLockdown Day 25 – Thursday 9th April This week there has been a debate raging about whether we should all wear face masks. The original advice from the World Health Organisation was...
#LivingInLockdown Day 24 – Wednesday 8th April This week has had a number of highlights thus far. The first being I received in the post some lovely hand written letters from my great nephew...
#LivingInLockdown Day 23 – Tuesday 7th April A bit of a scary night last night. I woke up drowning in my own sweat with my heart racing. I thought ‘shit! I’ve got a fever!’...
#LivingInLockdown Day 22 – Monday 6th April The start of week four in quarantine and a definite sensation of ennui is beginning to set in. A bit of me can’t be bothered to get out of...