Costa Women Blogs

Awakening is the first stage of YOUR Ascension Process
My own Awakening began many years ago, I found it an amazing and incredible experience that completely changed who I was over the years. I have always loved reading about true experiences and writing about mine. Since the early 90’s I’ve written notes about how I found my mind expanding and published newsletters to friends and family, and in 2012 as I recognised how more and more people were waking up themselves, I began blogging to share weekly posts about my experiences Awakening. I was delighted to find so many Divine friends over the years, online and locally, and together we continue to inspire and support each other as we all journey further beyond the mind and everything known. It’s 2019 and Humanity finds itself at a crossroads of having to make a choice between continuing to live in the old Human ways of duality, fear and limitation or stepping into a new DivineHuman way of unity, love and freedom. The energy has never been so high, the Earth and Skies are fertile with awareness, for you to open up and receive your light and truth of who you truly are! It is part of my mission to guide others through their Ascension Process… and it all begins with Awakening, waking up to the something more than your limited physical body and struggling mind.  I’ve been looking through my blog posts since 2012 and feel it’s time to re-release them, this time in the form of poems. For you to enjoy them and allow the loving energy to inspire you to fully open up and blossom now.    IAM Awakening, Remembering my true Authentic Power being both fire and water two halves of wholeness itself feeling nowthe tide turning as my feminine energy brings forth love transforming all fear that my masculinity has instilled upon the world IAM aware of my energies balancingas I allow the two halves of my mind to integrate into one creative impulse IAM allowing my body to flow with divine love rejuvenatingreinventing my entire being IAM trusting my Spiritual Essence to guide me further exploring where i’ve never been before integrating my mind, body and spirit fully opening my heart being the captain of my sacred vessel IAM allowing myself to live in each moment being creative playing with colours touching the mystery of hidden dimensions beneath the physical realityfocusing on naturethe beauty and natural order I hold a grand vision of Humankind living in peaceworking together in cooperation creating unique and individual dreams bringing them into physical reality new potentials new things never before imaginedto sensationally experience© Barbara Franken 2013 Taken from my original writing here   Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & Master CreatorInspiring New Energy Consciousness & Multi-Dimensional Living     A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple.  I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond..    Join my MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth.   There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class The next local class begins in a new way in November, over 3 days! It’s time to accelerate our embodied ascension!     All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit association The Magnificent Consciousness that holds free local projects in Benalmadena, Spain.
7 Tips to manage Back Pain
When back pain strikes it can leave you feeling stuck and helpless, especially when you’re busy, on holiday or away from home and not sure where to go. So if you’ve been struck this summer try my top tips to keep moving: ICE – a pack of frozen peas will do. Always wrap it in a damp tea towel to protect your skin. Use it for 10 minutes every half hour. Reduces inflammation and helps to numb the area   TOILETS – If you have a really bad back, sitting on the loo can be a struggle. How do you get down and then get back up? The answer, sit facing the cistern and use it to support yourself down and back up!   CAR SEAT – Getting in and out of the car (perhaps to get to your physio appointment?!) can be tricky. A simple trick is to put a flat plastic bag on the car seat (to reduce friction), sit down with both legs still out and swivel round.  Do the opposite to get out.   POSITION – changing position can often seem the hardest part, but staying too long in one position can leave you feeling stiff and make it harder to move. So try and shift positions every 20 – 30 minutes.   BAR STOOL – possibly the only time I’ll recommend a bar for treatment! Perching on a bar stool can often be the most comfortable position as you are supported but not in a full sitting position. And remember my favourite piece of research – a beer is just as effective a painkiller as a paracetamol!!   STAND TALL – try and concentrate on standing well. Focus on your core muscles and pelvic floor and use them to support you. Actively relax your back muscles. If you’re in front of a mirror (cleaning your teeth is good!) pull your chin in so your ears are over your shoulders, draw your shoulders back and down and bring ankles, hips and shoulders into a line.   GET HELP – pain is a protection mechanism – it gets you to stop moving so your body can recover. But if it lasts more than 24-48 hours get proper, qualified help! For more information and tips on supporting back pain please check out our website, for our free ebook “7 myths about Back Pain”, our Facebook page Bodyworks Health Clinic or call us on 952 883 151
m_Kelly Tolhurst MP and KC on stand
The WibBigShow and Menopause!
I am the Go To person when it comes to menopause. I have appeared on BBC, ITV, Ch5, and Sky TV programmes as well as being sought after to comment on menopause for BBC radio programmes around the UK.  It all started about 12 years ago when I was still going through what I call the ‘tsunami’ of menopause. All those crazy symptoms happening at once and feeling as if I was drowning in a glass of water, I just couldn’t cope. The worst part was, it took me years to realise I was going through menopause. I was too busy! I’ve done a lot of research on the subject and I’m a member of the British Menopause Society and have spoken in Madrid for EMAS (European Menopause and Androause Society). I’ve done a lot of stuff which resulted in a website that evolved into a training company. My team and I now take menopause training into the workplace for line managers, Occupational Health professionals and HR, not forgetting our Women Only Shows, of course. It’s been busy and the best career change I could ever have. On this occasion, I was asked to do a Menopause talk at the Women In Business Big Show that took place in Kent, recently. I was delighted to see Kelly Tolhurst MP there to open the show and to talk to the stand holders, especially as she’s Minister for Small Business and I managed to get a picture of us together. It was a very busy day and our talk was on after lunch. I am always so delighted when women leave the room with new information about menopause. They weren’t sure about things when they came in but they were a lively bunch during the talk and went away with renewed energy and a realisation that there are solutions to this crazy thing called menopause. I took them through the What, When and How long does it last? Scenarios as well as the roller coaster ride that menopause insists on taking us through and the brighter future that is waiting for us if we would only acknowledge menopause and do something about it. Simple steps! Did you know that your hormones will start to change around the age of 35? The myth is that menopause is for older women (over 50 or 60 – not so!). And symptoms are a bit furtive, disguising themselves as PMS on a monthly basis and other symptoms that you may not even have considered, such as feeling as if you have a hangover, every day! I’ll be posting more about menopause over the next few weeks, so look out for my posts. Until the next time, keep fanning those hot flushes (actually there are things you can do). There’s heaps more on our website:  Kathryn πŸ™‚ 
Change Choices, Change your life
CHANGE Your CHOICES to CHANGE Your LIFEWe all have choices in life and often tend to forget that. In this video I talk about the choices that you can make in your life. If you want to change your life, take responsibility.You only have one life. I’m living my freedom lifestyle and hope to inspire you to get unstuck and create the life you desire too.You have a choice.. .Are you living a FULFILLED LIFE?If not, you may need change your choices..    If you’re still STUCK, I would love helping you get UNSTUCK Just comment or message me and let’s talk. Tell me what your next step is that you can take TODAY!   Enjoy creating the life you desire!    
m_Take a holiday β˜€ FOR β˜€ your business
Ready for a holiday β˜€FORβ˜€ your business?
Working for yourself is rewarding, exciting and .. exhausting. Sometimes we just need a holiday – time to relax, disconnect, get away from the daily routine. Because when we do that our minds quieten down, we’re able to see things from a different perspective, we drop from the head into our heart and soul, and our creativity comes back to the surface.If you’re anything like me you’ve got ideas pouring in left, right and center when you’re away for a few days. The thing is, when you’re on holiday all you can do is write down those ideas and make plans for when you’re back home. We all know how that ends .. β˜€ What if you had the time and space to flesh out those ideas (or older ones you never got around to acting on), to take steps immediately to bring them to life?β˜€ What if you had the coaching & strategy and tech support you need to get over what might stop you?β˜€ What if you had like-minded people to brain storm and collaborate with to expand those ideas into something even more amazing?β˜€ What if you could do that in one of the most beautiful spots in Europe, with a glass of wine and some yummy seafood? (pics taken next door to home, on my phone without filters or editing) Well, thats exactly what Im planning for next year – the Passion Business Retreat <3 (a huge THANK YOU to the amazing Jenny Schmal who helped me expand my initial idea and by saying, “I’m in!” turned it into a real thing <3and to the lovely Mira who in a wonderfully serendipitous way pointed me to the name for it) If that sounds like something you’d love to know more about leave a comment or get in touch and I’ll keep you in the loop as things evolve.
Sciatica – the facts
When we were discussing seminar topics the one suggested left and right was Sciatica! This is obviously a topic people think about in connection with physiotherapy. And I was looking back at the articles I’ve written for the EWN and my own blog over the last decade and realised, I have NEVER written about sciatica!! So here goes, my first EVER article about sciatica! Fingers crossed! What is it? Sciatica is when you get pain along the course of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve in the whole body! And runs from your lumbar spine, through your hips/buttocks into your knee, calf and all the way to your foot. So sciatica can cause pain or problems at any point along this nerve. And can be caused by pain or problems at any point along the nerve from spine to toes! What does it feel like? Interestingly it does not really feel like back pain! Although the back is obviously part of the root cause. Sciatica is nerve pain. So you usually feel it in the buttocks, legs and/or feet (one side worse than the other): Shooting / burning pain Pins and needles or tingling Weakness or a feeling the leg won’t support you Can move around or come and go without any obvious trigger Can feel similar to leg cramps or other “odd” sensations – nerve pain can be confusing. Often feels worse after periods of inactivity / fixed posture like sitting What next? Short term: Gentle movement and whatever stretches feel comfortable will make it feel a little easier. Rest will often make you feel stiffer and more uncomfortable. Ice pack on your lower back to reduce inflammation Or heat on the leg where it feels painful – the destination of that nerve pain likes it warm! Long term: If the pain lasts for more than 24-48 hours or happens very regularly then you need a professional! We need to look at reducing the inflammation along the nerve and the muscle tension as well as helping the spine get back into a stronger, healthier condition. Avoid injections as all they do is mask the symptoms. If you are having trouble controlling your bowel movements or getting persistent numbness around your genitals get professional help immediately! But it’s not about sciatica One key thing to remember is that Sciatica or sciatic pain is a symptom NOT a condition. So if the treatment you are getting is only focused on treating the sciatica and not understanding the cause or root of the problem . . . . . it’s only ever going to be temporary. Yes, at the beginning pain relief has to be a primary goal but that’s a short term goal. Long term the whole point is to understand and treat the root cause so it doesn’t come back! For more information about back pain and sciatica check out the detailed guide and podcast on our website , our Facebook page “Bodyworks Health Clinic” or call us on 952 883 151
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