Summer can be a little difficult for ladies with hormone imbalance, but the secret is to keep cool at all times………..and carry on. Hot flushes and night sweats are difficult with the summer...
Are you achieving Balance in your life? . Do you know what gives you most energy? Are you aware of your mind-Body connection? . Mind-Body-Emotion are 3 areas to observe in yourself. They...
Message from the British Embassy about Convenio Especial You may be aware that the Servicio Andaluz de Salud has recently changed its policy regarding the application of the Convenio Especial...
It is happening NOW! Everything YOU have ever dreamed of and focused on, the depths of despair YOU have felt and embraced, and the endless days remembering to trust everything is most perfectly...
Living here in southern Spain we enjoy the fantastic benefits of over 300 days of sunshine per year, healthy Mediterranean diet and hopefully less day to day stress. We all want to stay healthy and this...
Do you realize the POWER of your thoughts? Do you know you can create your future reality with how you think? . Which one are you?Person A thinks ‘’I don’t have enough money, I”ll...