Consciousness Is…
Source… Spirit… God… Life
everything is Consciousness
including YOU
YOU are part of the one
infinite flow of consciousness
with all life form
and the cause for everything
to be alive and aware
Consciousness is Awareness
it is what allows you to
explore and discover
your Humanness
initially through five senses
perceiving yourself
and life around you
until your sixth sense
kicks in
A sixth sense that guides you
into realising you are more
than your body and mind
you realise you are spirit too
an essential part of
the Aliveness
and Awareness
in the world
You are a unique part
of life’s Oneness
AND are your own
Sovereign Oneness too
having authority
over yourself
and responsible
to prioritise and
focus on self
You know your natural
state of being
is love, joy and peace
and honour all life
you know that
everything you
feel say and act out
reflects in the
Environment around you
As Consciousness
a conscious creator
you flow with an
abundance of everything
bringing in energy
to serve you
in each moment
you remain the free expression
of Your Magnificent Self
©Barbara Franken 2021
© Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness & Multi-Dimensional Living
A True Magical Children’s Story about Love and Life. To inspire our children to connect deeply within themselves and the natural world around them, and remember the truth of their being ‘Sparkles of Love’, here to bring love and harmon into the world, quite simply by being themselves and enjoying their life in each moment. Click here to read more information & link to purchase.
A paperback & digital book is available from all major online stores… Amazon & Apple
I share my own magical journey, exploring Who IAM with the help of nine elemental beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and All Loving self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing and Magnificent MasterCreator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.
Are YOU ready to join our online MasterCreatorClass… a 21 day dedication to YOU, committing to your Awakening & Ascension and fulfilling YOUR new role as MasterCreator, a New Energy pioneer creating NewEarth from within. You can sign up to participate here.
Money raised from my books and class allows my charity Conciencia Magnifica hold free local Creative Projects for Children & Adults in Benalmadena, Costa Del Sol, Spain. Read more about my charity and how you can help!