Costa Women meet Sue McClellan

Determination, resilience and being able to move outside of your comfort zone has helped Sue with her move to Spain. Read her story.

Why Spain?

Our daughter moved to Marbella and we were in love with this beautiful place from our first visit.  We now live in Elviria.

Sue McClellan

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

Being out of your comfort zone is challenging, seeking out networking and social groups helps to make new connections socially and for business

Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?

Don’t hesitate, create connections on social media, there are so many people willing to give advice to help you get the best experience

Has your move affected your business?

My working week is supporting our family Real Estate Business, helping adventurous clients enjoy the dream of owning a property on the Costa del Sol. Weekends are leisurely days enjoying family time and taking advantage of visiting beautiful beaches and all the amazing local attractions

Sue McClellan

If you could achieve one spectacular thing in just one day what would it be?

To meet my target for that day!

Something you are grateful for?

Opportunity to create a business to live and work in Spain

Who would be at your special dinner party?

Tony Robbins for his awesome coaching skills, Helen Mirren for an insight of her amazing acting life, Tom Jones to entertain us with his fabulous voice, Peter Kay to make us smile and of course my beautiful family and friends

What’s your secret weapon or accomplishment?

Determination and resilience.

Do you have a favourite quote?

Be the best version of yourself, treat others how you would like be be treated.

One thing you had to bring to Spain and could never give away?

My box of memories, trinkets linking me to all the special moments in my life and always hold a place in my heart.

Do you have a favourite book?

Awaken the Giant within” by Anthony Robbins – opens your mind to your true potential

Something you would tell your younger self?

You can do almost anything you want in life.

Thank you Sue McClellan where can we find out more?

My website:


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