Looking for contacts in Fuengirola

I’m a widow in my mid 70’s,a retired teacher.I live mainly in Madrid but make frequent visits to my apartment in Fuengirola. I have lived in Spain for many years and speak Spanish fluently.I would like to meet women of similar age in the Fuengirola area. I can be contacted by email: jeanmclaney@gmail.coml

2 thoughts on “Looking for contacts in Fuengirola”

  1. Hello Jean
    We have two events in Fuengirola this coming week - a book club on Monday and informative talk about life in Spain in the 1930s on Wednesday evening.  There will also be our regular coffee morning on Friday 13th May at 1100 (the event and more information should be posted in the next few days)  
    Hope to meet you soon!

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